patient portal interpreter ability

by Laisha O'Conner 10 min read

Interpreter Services - Oroville Hospital

11 hours ago Interpreter services will be offered to patients who have limited English speaking ability or other language barriers, who are deaf, whose primary language is sign-language, or who may experience communication problems as a result of other disabilities free of charge to the patient or caregiver of the patient who is in need of these services. >> Go To The Portal

What is a patient portal and why do you need one?

Interpreter services will be offered to patients who have limited English speaking ability or other language barriers, who are deaf, whose primary language is sign-language, or who may experience communication problems as a result of other disabilities free of charge to the patient or caregiver of the patient who is in need of these services.

What if I need to talk to a provider for urgent matters?

Feb 07, 2018 · Providers have the ability to: Send patients post-visit clinical summaries and lab results via an attachment Respond to patient messages in between seeing patients to complete tasks more efficiently and avoid “phone tag” with patients

Why do medical assistants promote the patient portal?

Interpreter Services - 1 - Setting up your Michigan Medicine Patient Portal App . Step 1 (if needed): Call the patient portal assistance hotline at 734( ) 615-0872. The operator will talk you through the steps in this handout. If you do not speak English, you can ask the operator for an interpreter. Step 2: Download the portal app: a.

What are the limitations of a patient portal?

Interpreters website builder As a patient, you have a right to a medical interpreter, at no cost to you. Natividad’s Language Access Services promotes effective communication between our providers and patients and their families. We offer interpreting services in over 200 languages.


What are the skills of a medical interpreter?

Fluency in relevant foreign language(s). Current knowledge of medical terminology and procedures. Ability to precisely and accurately translate critical medical information from English to the patient's native language. Strong interpersonal skills, flexibility, and customer service orientation.Mar 20, 2017

What is the role of an interpreter in healthcare?

A trained interpreter should be used to improve communication (resulting in fewer errors), clinical outcomes, and satisfaction with care in patients with limited English proficiency. Professional medical interpreters are trained to interpret the spoken word, whereas translators work with written words.Oct 1, 2014

Which is a guideline in using interpreters?

Basic guidelines for use of an interpreter (trained or ad hoc): Interpretation should be in a conduit fashion4. Position yourself so that you face the patient rather than the interpreter. Talk with the patient in the first person (using “I”).

What is a qualified interpreter?

A qualified interpreter is an individual who is able to interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, using any specialized vocabulary required by the circumstances.

What is the main role of an interpreter?

The critical role of an Interpreter is to interpret conversations from one source language to another target language. They do this job on-site or remotely in real-time. They perform their job either by oral Interpretation or using sign language.Dec 7, 2020

What are the responsibilities of an interpreter?

Interpreter Job ResponsibilitiesInteract with clients and visitors to translate foreign language and facilitate communication in a range of different professional settings.Translate both spoken word and written texts to the target language with superior accuracy, consistency and efficiency.More items...

What is code of ethics for interpreters?

The interpreter strives to maintain impartiality and refrains from counseling, advising or projecting personal biases or beliefs. The intent of this ethical principle is to ensure that the communication and relationship between the patient and the provider remain at the center of the health care encounter.

How do you use an interpreter effectively?

Best Practices for Communicating Through an InterpreterIntroduce yourself to the interpreter. ... Acknowledge the interpreter as a professional in communication. ... During the medical interview, speak directly to the patient, not to the interpreter.Speak more slowly rather than more loudly.More items...

What is an interpreting protocol?

Protocols establish what is and what is not to be expected from an interpreter and allow for a smooth interpreting session. We can talk about protocols by commenting on the correct conduct and procedures to be followed by the interpreter before, during and after the interpreting session.

What skills should an interpreter have?

Interpreter SkillsHighly proficient in both English and the other language.Impartiality.Able to accurately and idiomatically turn the message from the source language into the target language without any additions, omissions or other misleading factors that alter the intended meaning of the message from the speaker.More items...

What qualities should an interpreter have?

Qualities of a good Interpreter: An interpreter must have active and excellent listening skills. Passion for Languages. The ability to understand the spoken words so they can convey their meanings and accurate message. Ability to communicate well with people from all backgrounds or cultures.Feb 26, 2021

What qualification do you need to be an interpreter?

For public service interpreting, you may need a professional qualification from the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), or a Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI). Although having a degree is advantageous, and is particularly important if you want to work for the government, it is not always required.

Why do medical assistants use patient portals?

Medical assistants promoted the patient portal as a way for patients to establish a direct line of communication with their provider. Patients registered with the portal can avoid using the BVCHC call center, which receives a large volume of calls.

What is N#EHR?

Patient-Specific Education Resources.#N#EHR has an integrated patient education tool that allows clinical staff to search and select from more than 600 summaries on diagnoses and symptoms and more than 1,000 medications. Materials, which are available and English and Spanish, can be printed out and reviewed with patients at the time of the visit.

What is BVCHC portal?

BVCHC found it helpful to designate point persons for portal enrollment, such as medical assistants, to engage patients one on one. Consequently, providers are not burdened with the enrollment process, but they can encourage patients to use the portal. Moreover, assigning a dedicated triage nurse to serve as the gatekeeper for messages coming through the portal has eased provider concerns about email volume and time required for patient communication.

What is terminal kiosk?

Terminal kiosks. BVCHC is purchasing computer terminal kiosks for use in the waiting rooms to help patients complete the registration process while still on-site so that they continue to be engaged after the patient portal is explained to them and subsequently begin using the secured messaging feature. The kiosks also will be used for patient education during downtime before visits.

What is BVCHC in Pawtucket?

BVCHC is a federally-qualified, Joint Commission-accredited health center located in Pawtucket and Central Falls, Rhode Island. Established in 1990, BVCHC provides a range of services, including pediatric, internal medicine, family medicine, midwifery and obstetrics/gynecology, dental, and behavioral health.

What is BVCHC in Rhode Island?

BVCHC serves as the home and support center for a network of health centers committed to advancing health IT in Rhode Island. Since the health center converted to electronic health records in 2007, BVCHC has supported several implementations by other practices and collaborates with the Rhode Island REC.
