patient portal huntsville hospital

by Euna Johnston 5 min read

Huntsville Hospital Health System Patient Portal

35 hours ago The HealtheLife Portal offers Huntsville Hospital Health System patients a convenient and secure website to help manage your health. It gives you access to a summary of the information in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR), the ability to view test and lab results, and an easy way to communicate with your health care providers. >> Go To The Portal

How do I Activate my Huntsville Hospital Patient Access Account?

The HealtheLife Portal offers Huntsville Hospital Health System patients a convenient and secure website to help manage your health. It gives you access to a summary of the information in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR), the ability to view test and lab results, and an easy way to communicate with your health care providers.

How do I obtain medical records from Huntsville Hospital?

The HealtheLife Portal offers Huntsville Hospital Health System patients a convenient and secure website to help manage your health. It gives you access to a summary of the information in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR), the ability to view test and lab results, and an easy way to communicate with your health care providers.

What is the patient portal and how does it work?

delivered to HUNTSVILLE HOSPITAL PATIENT PORTAL by any of the following means. If you have any questions about completing the form, please call Patient Portal Support at (256) 265-4443 101 Sivley Road Huntsville, Alabama 35801 Mailed to: Huntsville Hospital Patient Portal Faxed to: E 256-265-4442 mailed to:

What is the patient and consumer health portal?

Huntsville Hospital now offers an Online Patient Record Request tool for the following individuals to request patient records: Patients requesting their own records Parents of minor patients requesting records Caregivers acting on behalf of a patient (i.e. Power of Attorney)


Does Huntsville Hospital have a patient portal?

Your HealtheLife Portal. The HealtheLife Portal offers Huntsville Hospital Health System patients a convenient and secure website to help manage your health.

What chart does Huntsville Hospital use?

Huntsville Hospital (Huntsville, Ala.), a not-for-profit facility with 881 licensed acute care beds, has implemented version 6.1 of GE's Centricity Enterprise Solution in an effort to integrate patients' clinical information into one electronic record.Jun 23, 2011

What is Huntsville Hospital known for?

Huntsville Hospital is a medical facility located in Huntsville, AL. This hospital has been recognized for America's 50 Best Hospitals for Vascular Surgery Award™ and America's 50 Best Hospitals for Cardiac Surgery Award™.

How do I call a patient room at Huntsville Hospital?

Calling patient rooms directlyHuntsville Hospital Main. Dial (256) 265-8 and then the room number.Huntsville Hospital Madison Street Tower. (Rooms 1500-1800): ... Huntsville Hospital for Women & Children. Dial (256) 265-7 and then the room number.Madison Hospital. Dial (256) 817-5 and then the room number.

Is Huntsville Hospital a Level 1 trauma center?

We have the state's largest emergency and trauma program and the region's only state-designated level I trauma center. We have provided trauma services since 1995 and treat an average of 2,400 trauma patients per year.

What hospitals does Huntsville Hospital own?

Under the leadership of CEO Jeff Samz, Huntsville Hospital Health System has grown to include hospitals in Huntsville, Madison, Athens, Decatur, Sheffield, Moulton, Scottsboro, Guntersville, Boaz and Red Bay.

What is the biggest hospital in Alabama?

Huntsville HospitalTotal Inpatient Discharges (Jan to Dec 2018) = 197,921RankHospital NameTotal Medicare Inpatient Discharges With Criteria (Jan to Dec 2018)1Huntsville Hospital14,4732University of Alabama Hospital10,8023DCH Regional Medical Center9,7054Mobile Infirmary6,95240 more rows

Who is the CEO of Huntsville Hospital?

David Spillers -David Spillers - CEO - Huntsville Hospital Health System | LinkedIn.

Is Huntsville Hospital a private hospital?

The Huntsville Hospital Health System, also known as Huntsville Hospital, is a public, not-for-profit hospital organization consisting of several sites and buildings originating in the downtown area of Huntsville, Alabama.

What time does the cafeteria open at Huntsville Hospital?

- Friday: 6 - 10 a.m.Cafeterias. Monday - Friday: 6 - 10 a.m., 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4:30 - 7 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Is Huntsville Hospital doing elective surgery?

Huntsville Hospital Health System is canceling inpatient elective surgeries and procedures in its Madison County facilities for the remainder of this week due to the rapid rise of COVID-19 cases in the community. ... An additional 89 persons with COVID are hospitalized in other System facilities in the region.Jan 3, 2022

How much is it to park at Huntsville Hospital?

Parking and Tram Parking in the garage requires $2 to exit payable by credit card, debit card or a token. Token machines are located on each garage level as you enter the building. Street-level parking is available at Huntsville Hospital for Women & Children for patients and visitors.

It's Easy to Get Started!

You will need your personal medical record number, your birth date, and an e-mail address. Visit and follow directions to set up an account.

Once Enrolled

Patients may access their personal electronic medical record at any time and from anywhere through the Huntsville Memorial Hospital website.

Important Notes

Patient Portal records only include medical record summary, test results, and medications given at Huntsville Memorial Hospital. List of medications only includes those electronically entered and/or prescribed at patient's discharge. Patient Portal records are for the patient's information only.

Questions & Comments

If you have comments, questions, or concerns on how to improve the Patient Portal, please email our technical support email address at:

Required release of information forms

Section #2 - Check the specific documents you are requesting and format method (electronic delivery, CD or paper) you wish to receive the records.

To request a record on behalf of someone else

Caregivers acting on behalf of a patient (i.e. Power of Attorney) will need to submit a copy of the Power of Attorney.

To view records online through the Huntsville Hospital Health System Patient Portal

A summary of your inpatient stay can be found on our Patient Portal. If you do not currently have a log in, you will need your discharge paperwork to sign in. Records not included in the portal will need to be requested from our Medical Records department.

To request for amendment of your personal health information

You have the right to request that health information that pertains to you be amended if you believe that it is incorrect or incomplete. Huntsville Hospital will review your request and either grant your request or explain the reason why it will not be granted.

To request restrictions on your personal health information

This form should be completed when the patient has indicated that he or she would like to have restrictions placed on the use or disclosure of his or her individual health information.

News in 90

For two years, you’ve watched it being built at the corner of Gallatin and Sivley. It’s finally time for the big reveal! Come along on an exclusive News in 90 video tour inside the soon-to-open Huntsville Hospital Orthopedic & Spine Tower -- and see how we're taking health care to new heights.

The Scope

Wanda Wilson just retired from Huntsville Hospital after 50 years as a registered nurse. Read her sage advice on how to have a long and fulfilling career in nursing and much more in the July issue of The Scope.
