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Dr. Gregory Schnell, MD is a Gastroenterology Specialist in Kansas City, MO. Dr. Schnell has more experience with Esophageal Disorders than other specialists in his area. He is affiliated with North Kansas City Hospital. He is accepting new patients and has indicated that he accepts telehealth appointments. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Schnell to book an appointment.
Dr. Gregory Schnell, MD generally accepts new patients on Healthgrades. You can see Dr. Schnell's profile to make an appointment.
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Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
from the University of South Carolina Medical School. Upon graduation, he entered the Bowman-Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest University and North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem where he completed his residency in Internal Medicine. In 1995, he moved to Nashville to earn his fellowship in gastroenterology at Vanderbilt University.
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