patient portal beaver dam hospital

by Elenor Christiansen 9 min read

Ohio County Family Care - Beaver Dam

18 hours ago Patient Portal | Marshfield Medical Center – Beaver Dam Beaver Dam Community Hospital Patient Portal 707 S UNIVERSITY AVE \ BEAVER DAM WI 53916 \ 920-887-4064 Find a Doctor Request Appointment View Records Find Phone Number View Events Make a Donation Apply for a Job Fill out a Form Secure, Convenient Access to Your Health Information >> Go To The Portal

Why choose the Beaver Dam community hospital patient portal?

Patient Portal | Marshfield Medical Center – Beaver Dam Beaver Dam Community Hospital Patient Portal 707 S UNIVERSITY AVE \ BEAVER DAM WI 53916 \ 920-887-4064 Find a Doctor Request Appointment View Records Find Phone Number View Events Make a Donation Apply for a Job Fill out a Form Secure, Convenient Access to Your Health Information

What can I do on the patient portal?

Aug 02, 2021 · Medical Services & Clinics | Marshfield Medical Center - Beaver Dam. 920-887-7181. PATIENT PORTAL. BDCH INPATIENT. CLINICS. Beaver Dam …

How do I add Beaver Medical Group to MyChart?

FollowMyHealth® Sign In. Having trouble logging in? Try one of the recovery options below to get back into your account. Username. Password. I'm not a robot is required. Sign In.

What is the Ohio County healthcare online patient portal?

DEFAULT_LOGIN_BUTTON. Register_UsernamePlaceholder. Register_PasswordPlaceholder


When did Beaver Medical Group launch MyChart?

Beaver Medical Group launched a new portal called MyChart on October 30, 2019 at On the new portal, you are able to:

How to get activation code for Beaver?

1. Show your ID to a staff member at a Beaver facility to get an activation code. You may also request a code through the app in step 5. 2. Find the app by searching for “MyChart” in your app store. Or use one of the QR codes below (for Apple or Android devices). 3. Install MyChart by Epic Systems Corporation. 4.

Ohio County Healthcare offers two different online patient portals

One will have information for patients that used our hospital based services and the other contains patient information from our outpatient provider practices.

Hospital Based Service Portal- CPSI

CPSI offers you access to any inpatient records, procedure records, medical history, medication lists, lab reports, patient allergies and existing or developing medical conditions. Patients may also download these records to their private computers and share them with any other medical professionals they may be seeing.

Ohio County Family & Specialty Care Patient Portal

Outpatient provider practices which offer this service include: all Ohio County Family Care locations, Quick Care, Pain Care, Specialty Care, Fordsville Area Medical Clinic and Butler County Family Care.

Summary Star Rating

The summary star rating combines data from different aspects of the patient’s experience of care to make hospital comparison easier.

Communication with Nurses

As part of the nurse communication survey adult patients recently discharged are asked the following questions about their interactions with the nursing staff. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses treat you with courtesy and respect? During this hospital stay, how often did nurses listen carefully to you?

Communication with Doctors

As part of the doctor communication survey adult patients recently discharged are asked the following questions about their interactions with doctors.

Responsiveness of Hospital Staff

As part of the staff responsiveness survey adult patients recently discharged are asked the following questions.

Pain Management

As part of the patient experience survey adult patients recently discharged are asked the following questions about pain management while in the hospital.

Communication About Medications

As part of the patient experience survey adult patients recently discharged are asked the following questions about their experiences with medications while in the hospital.

Cleanliness of Hospital Environment

As part of the patient experience survey adult patients recently discharged are asked the following questions about their experiences with hospital’s physical environment. During this hospital stay, how often were your room and bathroom kept clean?
