patient portal austin brain and spine

by Buddy Kutch 5 min read

Patient Center | Austin Brain & Spine

36 hours ago Austin Brain and Spine - Central 3000 N. IH 35 Suite 600 Austin, TX 78705 Telephone: (512) 306-1323 Fax: (512) 306-1142 Quick Links For Patients --Contact Us --Directions --Online Bill Payment --Patient Center --Services >> Go To The Portal

Find Out Your COVID-19 Risk

Use our free screening tool below to assess your risk and receive the most appropriate care recommendations based on your symptoms.

Concerned about whether you have COVID-19? We can help you take the first step

Use our free screening tool below to assess your risk and receive the most appropriate care recommendations based on your symptoms.

Existing Patient

If you are an existing patient and you have had an appointment with a medical staff member of Invision Health or the Brain and Spine Center, please click the following button to start the process and to receive your patient portal access information.

First Time Patients

If you are seeking to scheduling a first time appointment with Invision Health or the Brain and Spine Center, please click the following button to start the process.

Already Enrolled in Patient Portal

If you are already enrolled in the patient portal, please click the portal button below.

Confused by your medical bills? We're working to make it easier

Our goal is to get you healthy and make things easier along the way. We know understanding your medical bills and payment options can be confusing, so we're taking steps to make it simpler.

Online bill pay makes it easy

With our new online bill pay website, we're working to consolidate the bills related to your hospital stay, make the payment process easier and give you more options.

Welcome to Our Practice

You are the reason we are here and do what we do. We are dedicated to making sure you feel cared for and important. In addition, we are dedicated to providing you with compassionate, high-quality medical care.

Office hours

New patients are asked to arrive 30 minutes early to complete paperwork. You can download, print, and complete the forms prior to your appointment. Please bring the completed forms, a list of all medications you are currently taking, recent copies of x-rays, lab results, photo ID and your insurance card to your appointment.

Medication Refills

Please contact your pharmacy for refill requests. Your pharmacy will fax us the request and your refills will be processed within 72 hours. You may also request refills on the patient portal.


We require payment of your co-payment and past-due account balances at the time of service. We accept cash, checks, debit and all major credit cards. (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover.)


We will submit claims to most major insurance carriers. Please bring your insurance card and I.D. with you to every visit so we can ensure that our records are accurate.

Cancellations or Rescheduling

To better serve the needs of all our patients, we ask that you call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule appointments. We make every effort to stay on schedule, although emergencies arise.

After-hours & emergencies

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial 911. However, if you need after-hours advice for a medical concern, please call (512) 347-7463 and our answering service will assist you.
