patient portal alexian

by Rosalyn Block 10 min read

Patient Portals | AMITA Health | Chicago, IL

4 hours ago patient portal alexian. by Rosalyn Block Published 6 months ago Updated 4 weeks ago 6 min read. Access Your Medical Records from Your iPhone You can now view your electronic medical records from across the AMITA Health system on the Apple Health app.* There, you’ll find everything from test results to medication lists and much more. >> Go To The Portal

Why choose AMITA Health Alexian Brothers Medical Center Elk Grove Village?

Each year, the 900+ doctors at AMITA Health Alexian Brothers Medical Center Elk Grove Village treat more than 18,000 patients at all stages of their lives. Every patient is treated in a wholistic way, as an individual with unique needs: body, mind and spirit. We call this approach Wholecare.

How do I use the patient portal?

Patient portals are online tools that help you manage your healthcare, from viewing test results to requesting appointments. Choose the patient portal that corresponds with your location of care: Please do not use MyChart for urgent medical matters. Instead, contact your provider directly or, in the case of emergency, call 911.

How do I access the Amita patient portal?

There, you’ll find everything from test results to medication lists and much more. Simply open the app, scroll to Health Records under Health Data and search for "AMITA." Select your site and log in with your existing portal credentials. How do I sign up for the patient portal?

Why choose Amita Alexian Brothers'comprehensive pain management?

For patients suffering from chronic pain, AMITA Alexian Brothers' Comprehensive Pain Management Program can help reduce and control that pain with a blend of evidence-based interventions, physical therapy, health psychology and minimally invasive surgical techniques.


Access Your Medical Records from Your iPhone

You can now view your electronic medical records from across the AMITA Health system on the Apple Health app.* There, you’ll find everything from test results to medication lists and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

You must be an established patient with AMITA Health Medical Group or have your new patient appointment scheduled in order to log in to this portal. If you are not yet established with our group, call 855.MyAMITA (855.692.6482).
