report from the asylum afterthoughts of a shock patient text

by Dr. Dina Hirthe Jr. 5 min read

Carl Solomon's Report From The Asylum | PDF - Scribd

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How was shock therapy used in asylums?

The earliest form of shock therapy used in asylums was Insulin Shock. This process was extremely dangerous as it could result in comas and seizures. It was quickly replaced by Metrazol, which was followed by electroconvulsive therapy. In all cases patients had to be carefully monitored.

What is the purpose of report from the asylum?

One of Solomon's best-known pieces of writing is Report from the Asylum: Afterthoughts of a Shock Patient. It is an account of the electroconvulsive therapy used to treat patients in asylums, drawn directly from personal experience.

What happened to the children in the asylum?

Patients in the asylum suffered from horrific conditions, that included the screams of neglected children, large scale mental and physical abuse, and a general lack of empathy towards the patients. The TV report also showed that children who bit one another were warned at first, but if it happened again, then their teeth would have been pulled.

What was the treatment like in the asylum?

Treatment in the asylum included of horrifying experiments, as heads of patients were cut open regularly in order to isolate sections of their brains, doctors used electro-shock therapy, and wards were placed in tubs of water for extended amounts of time.

Who investigated the asylum?

Geraldo Rivera also investigated the asylum, and discovered that its patients were left to wander around the institute while being covered in their own feces and urine, and some patients were even the subject of sexual assault by the staff.

What were the horrors of the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum?

Some of the horrors and horrible experiences that patients at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum had to go through was to be locked in cages, but that was the least of their worries, as lobotomies were also being performed in the asylum, and they were done using ice picks.

What is shock therapy?

Shock therapy, brain surgery to remove parts of the brain and modify the patients’ behavior, or being locked in rooms and cages are only some of the experiences patients at insane asylum had to go through and suffer . Some mental asylums are said to be haunted by the ghosts of patients who lost their lives there, ...

What is the asylum known for?

Over the years, the asylum became known for its famous patients, which included the likes of Charles Bronson. Today, the facility houses 200 of the most dangerous criminals in Europe, and is known to be one of the most secured hospital in the UK.

How many castrations were there in the asylum?

Overall, 54 castrations took place in the asylum, until its closure in 1997, with most of the asylum’s buildings having been demolished.

How many women were in the asylum?

Over its course of 150-year history, no less than 30,000 women entered the asylum in order to be institutionalized for reasons ranging from being prostitutes, up to having a child out of wedlock. These women suffered sexual, psychological and physical abuse, all the while being cut off from the outside world.

When was Bartonville Insane Asylum built?

in 1885, Construction on the Bartonville Insane Asylum began, and in two years later, in 1887 it was completed. Beautiful and creepy as it is, the original hospital looked as if it was a medieval castle, but was never used, and eventually was torn down in 1897 for reasons of “structural and design flaws.”.

How often was shock therapy used in the London Asylum?

It was not until 1944 that ECT was used exclusively at the London Asylum. Shock treatments were administered up to three times a week, and could take place over several weeks. Many dangers are associated with shock therapy, including fractured bones from the convulsions, and brain damage.

What was the first form of shock therapy?

Shock Therapy. A patient being brought out of an insulin coma, circa 1930. The earliest form of shock therapy used in asylums was Insulin Shock. This process was extremely dangerous as it could result in comas and seizures. It was quickly replaced by Metrazol, which was followed by electroconvulsive therapy.

Who was the first person to use electroconvulsive shock?

Italian doctors Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini were the first to successfully use electroconvulsive treatment on a human subject in April 1938. This new form of shock treatment began to be used by institutions throughout the world in the early 1940s.

What is the name of the book that Solomon wrote about the asylum?

One of Solomon's best-known pieces of writing is Report from the Asylum: Afterthoughts of a Shock Patient. It is an account of the electroconvulsive therapy used to treat patients in asylums, drawn directly from personal experience. It was written with Artaud somewhat in mind, because he had received the same treatment while unjustly ...

What did Solomon say about the Maritime Service?

Graduating from high school at 15, Solomon attended the City College of New York (CCNY) for a short time before joining the United States Maritime Service in 1944.