patient discharge summary report

by Dewayne Sipes I 6 min read

30 Hospital Discharge Summary Templates (& Examples)

34 hours ago Discharge summary reports play a vital role in informing the immediate family about the patient’s condition during the duration of his or her stay in the hospital. It has to provide true details about the patient in observance of the hospital’s protocols. Following the right contents would make it concise and accurate. >> Go To The Portal

A discharge summary refers to a clinical report prepared by health professionals that outlines the details of the hospitalization of a patient. Lack of discharge details, diagnosis information or patient’s health status in discharge summaries can lead to poor treatment plans.

A discharge summary is a clinical report prepared by a health professional at the conclusion of a hospital stay or series of treatments. It is often the primary mode of communication between the hospital care team and aftercare providers.Nov 12, 2021

Full Answer

How to write a discharge summary?

Discharge Summary Template Date of Admission: Date of Discharge: Attending Physician: (should be the attending on the day of discharge) PCP: (must include the name of the PCP or clinic, “out of town” not acceptable) Admission Diagnosis: This should be the reason for admission (e.g. dehydration, respiratory distress, hypoxia, abdominal pain), not the discharge diagnosis.

What should be included in a hospital discharge summary?

Your discharge plan should include information about where you will be discharged to, the types of care you need, and who will provide that care. It should be written in simple language and include a complete list of your medications with dosages and usage information. How do you write a discharge summary? Demographics. Clinical details.

What is the definition of discharge summary?

discharge condition information is a concern and may affect patient safety. Introduction . Hospital discharge summaries serve as the primary documents communicating a patient’s care plan to the post-hospital care team. 1, 2. Often, the discharge summary is the only form of communication that accompanies the patient to the next setting of care. 1

What is a hospital discharge summary?

A discharge summary is a physician -authored synopsis of a patient’s hospital stay, from admission to release. It’s a communication tool that helps clinicians outside the hospital understand what happened to the patient during hospitalization.


What is included in patient discharge summary?

A discharge summary is a physician-authored synopsis of a patient's hospital stay, from admission to release. It's a communication tool that helps clinicians outside the hospital understand what happened to the patient during hospitalization.

How do you document a patient discharge?

6 Components of a Hospital Discharge SummaryReason for hospitalization: description of the patient's primary presenting condition; and/or. ... Significant findings: ... Procedures and treatment provided: ... Patient's discharge condition: ... Patient and family instructions (as appropriate): ... Attending physician's signature:

What is the purpose of a discharge summary?

Hospital discharge summaries serve as the primary documents communicating a patient's care plan to the post-hospital care team. Often, the discharge summary is the only form of communication that accompanies the patient to the next setting of care.

When should a discharge summary be sent?

In addition, discharge summaries often lack important information such as updated discharge medications and follow-up plans. The Joint Commission has identified a standardized, written discharge summary completed within 30 days of hospital discharge as a key transition of care element to improve patient outcomes.

Who is responsible for discharge summary?

Interpretive Guidelines §484.48 - The HHA must inform the attending physician of the availability of a discharge summary. The discharge summary must be sent to the attending physician upon request and must include the patient's medical and health status at discharge.

Are discharge summaries mandatory?

Even though discharge summaries are not required by all companies, I highly recommended writing them even if you do not take insurance and only accept private pay clients. They are useful for the client and can protect you from legal action. There are all kinds of issues that could lead to legal involvement.

What is a discharge diagnosis?

Discharge diagnosis represents the main reason of illness or condition due to which a patient is admitted.

What is hospital discharge data?

State Hospital Discharge Databases are the only source of hospital utilization data that capture information about a patient's demographic characteristics, diagnoses, procedures, and source of payment for every patient discharged from an acute care hospital within a state.

Can a nurse write a discharge summary?

If you are an advanced practice nurse and providing care to a patient, authoring a discharge summary on your own is well within your scope of practice under your state nurse practice act and its rules.

Do hospitals always give discharge papers?

Typically, when you're discharged from the hospital, a discharge planner or team will meet with you to go over the information you need before you go home. They'll provide a set of hospital discharge papers to you, which will list all the procedures and treatments that you received during your hospital stay.

Do you always get a discharge letter from hospital?

Do I get a copy of the hospital discharge letter? Yes,you should receive a copy. If you're not offered one before you go home, ask your nurse of doctor to make sure that you get one.

Can you leave hospital without discharge papers?

You have the legal right to leave. There is no law that requires you to sign discharge documents. Still, you should prepare a letter that explains why you decided to leave. Keep a copy of the letter and give a copy to the hospital administrator.

How do you write a discharge letter?

How to Write a Discharge SummaryDemographics.Clinical details.Future management.Medications.Allergies and adverse reactions.Information for the patient.Person completing record.Other sections that may be included.More items...•

What is a discharge letter from hospital?

What is a hospital discharge letter? A hospital discharge letter is a brief medical summary of your hospital admission and the treatment you received whilst in hospital.It is usually written by one of the ward doctors.

What is hospital discharge?

When you leave a hospital after treatment, you go through a process called hospital discharge. A hospital will discharge you when you no longer need to receive inpatient care and can go home. Or, a hospital will discharge you to send you to another type of facility. Many hospitals have a discharge planner.

Is there a process to follow in doing a patient discharge?

When you leave the hospital after a treatment, you will be issued a patient discharge summary. This is to be written and signed by the attending ph...

When can a patient be discharged?

A hospital will be able to discharge a patient when he or she no longer needs inpatient treatments. They can also discharge you if they are to tran...

Is the patient accompanied by a health worker during a discharge?

The patient will be accompanied by a medical personnel because it is part of the hospital's protocol. Some medical personnel would still assess you...

Why is discharge summary important?

Importance of Discharge Summary 1 It helps improve the discharge process – individuals assigned in the transition of a patient would always look for ways to improve the discharge process. this includes the discharge planning, enlisting of medications and follow-up appointments. 2 It serves as the mode of communication between the hospital care team and aftercare.

What is at the end of discharge summary?

At the end of every discharge summary is the signature of the attending physician. It could be electronic or physical. The six (6) components stated already serves a great foundation but it would be more accurate to add more on the list to improve patient safety. This includes:

What happens when you leave a hospital?

When you leave the hospital after a treatment, you will be issued a patient discharge summary. This is to be written and signed by the attending physician together with the necessary details of the patient during his or her stay.

What is discharge summary?

A discharge summary is a clinical report prepared by a health professional at the conclusion of a hospital stay or series of treatments. It is often the primary mode of communication between the hospital care team and aftercare providers.

What are some examples of diagnoses for which you should include specific details?

Some examples of diagnoses for which you should include specific details include: Diabetes: type 1, type 2, steroid-induced, gestational. Myocardial infarction: NSTEMI, STEMI.

What is the purpose of Part One of our two part special on diabetes?

Part one of our two part special on diabetes focuses on the firsthand experience of a patient living with diabetes. We discuss what it is like to be diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and to live with and manage the condition day-to-day. We hope that this episode will be useful for students, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to understand more about the challenges of managing this condition. Guest: Ashwin Bali

Is discharge summary legal?

It is considered a legal document and it has the potential to jeopardize the patient’s care if errors are made. Delays in the completion of the discharge summary are associated with higher rates of readmission, highlighting the importance of successful transmission of this document in a timely fashion.

What is discharge summary?

August 20, 2018. A discharge summary plays a crucial role in keeping patients safe after leaving a hospital. As an Advances in Patient Safety report notes, "Hospital discharge summaries serve as the primary documents communicating a patient's care plan to the post-hospital care team. Often, the discharge summary is the only form ...

How many components are in a discharge summary?

As a For the Record report points out, The Joint Commission mandates all discharge summaries must contain six high-level components , which are also noted as requirements in the National Quality Forum's Safe Practices for Better Healthcare.

Physical Exam at the Time of Discharge

GENERAL: NAD, AOX3 HEENT: NC/AT, PERRLA. Conjunctivae, pink.

Discharge Condition

This patient is being discharged in a stable condition and expresses an understanding of this.

Discharge Instructions

Resume home activities and a cardiac diet. Take all medications as instructed.

Follow up

Call to set up follow up appointment with PCP, Dr. _____, in 5-7 days. Patient understands the importance of following up with a primary care physician.

What is discharge summary?

A discharge summary is a kind of document which has all the necessary details about the health condition of a patient and their time in a hospital. All the information are written concisely. Any forms of ambiguity are avoided for understanding. If you are looking for creating a discharge summary, make sure you include the following points. Sometimes, every physician gives a different discharge summary. It should consist of the following points: 1 Patients’ information, such as their name, address, gender, date of birth, contact number, and, emails. 2 Details of the physician, such name, their position, and their contact numbers are included in the discharge summary. 3 Admission and discharge information, such as the date of admission, the signs, and symptoms of the illness, hospital name, discharge date, 4 Medical care in the hospital includes the list of medication given in the hospital 5 The continuing plan of medication consists of the followup checkups and medication required for the patient.

Why is discharge summary important?

A discharge summary is useful to auditors, other physicians, nurses, lawyers, and other members of the healthcare team since it lets them know the medical interventions done for the patient and how they can proceed with their own care plans for the patient. To facilitate hospital recovery audits.

What is recovery audit?

A recovery audit is done by government-contracted recovery auditors. They investigate thousands of discharge summary templates each day and spot discrepancies on the payments provided, the patient claims, and the treatment provided to the patient.

Do all hospitals have to have a discharge summary?

In the United States, there is no single dis charge summary form created but most healthcare institutions follow the same guidelines in their discharge summary templates. Listed below are the most important items that should be included in a discharge summary.

Do physicians have to store patient history?

This way, physicians and hospital clerks do not have to store and lug around an individual’s entire patient history every time a physician requests for it. This document, however, is not created solely for the benefit of the hospital. These reasons will be discussed in the next few paragraphs.

Do physicians write discharge summaries?

Physicians are required to write discharge summaries for all their patients whether they recover from their illnesses or not. Aside from being a mandatory sample policy, we have listed below the numerous other uses of discharge summaries that every member of the healthcare team should know.

What Is Discharge?

The term discharge means to let someone out of a place. An expressed permission from someone of higher rank. An official permission, usually verbal but can also be a written document. In addition to that, it means to do an official task. The act of letting someone go out from a hospital, a school or an institution with a written permission.

What Is Summary?

A summary is a short statement. It can be about a story that was told, or a report being made. A brief statement with key points of the report. It often includes the introduction, main points of what you are summarizing and the conclusion. In addition to that, it also includes a brief argument or opinion given by the one writing the summary.

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is defined as something to do with psychological, social and our emotional well being. A person’s mental health affects how they perceive things, how they think, feel and act. In addition to that, it also helps how each person handles making choices that may affect their relationship with others and themselves.

Why Is Discharge Summary Important?

The importance of writing a discharge summary is for doctors, psychiatrists, physicians and anyone who works in hospitals or institutions use this as a way to understand the current situation of the patient. The behavior, health, and their mental state.

What Are the Tools?

Listed below are some of the tools that can be used for your discharge summary. Check them down below.

Why is a discharge summary needed?

A discharge summary is a needed document when a doctor or a physician wishes to discharge their patient for any type of reason. it could be for a reason that they are cured, their behavior has improved or they see no reason to hold the patient longer.

What can be expected in a discharge summary?

A patient’s information, their medical history, their health summary, any illnesses in their family as well as the medications being prescribed by their doctors. In some summaries, they also add the time frame of how long the patient was with them.



Future Management


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Allergies and Adverse Reactions

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Information For The Patient

  • Most discharge letters include a section thatsummarises the key information of the patient’s hospital stay in patient-friendly language, including investigation results, diagnoses, management and follow up. This is often given to the patient at discharge or posted out to the patient’s home. “You were admitted to hospital because of worsening shortn...
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Person Completing Record

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Other Sections That May Be Included

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