patient by procedure code report dentrix

by Dr. Corbin Blanda I 6 min read

Generating the Patient Report (by Filters) | Dentrix

15 hours ago You can use the Patient Report (by Filters) to find information you need that can’t be found in the regular Dentrix reports or to create one report that contains pieces of information that are given on several different reports. To run the Patient Report (by Filters) Select Office Manager | Letters | Misc. Letters… Highlight Patient Report (by filters) and click Edit to open the Patient Report … >> Go To The Portal

Can Dentrix Ascend report based on Procedure Code?

– Dentrix Ascend Report based on procedure code? Can i generate a report of all patients where I have billed a specific procedure code? Yes, you can. You would use the Analysis Ledger Report Builder with the following fields: Proc Code; Patient. You would then filter the Proc Code field by right clicking on it and left clicking on Filter.

What is the patient report (by filters) option in Dentrix?

The Patient Report (by Filters) option in Dentrix makes it easy for you to create custom reports and find specific patient data. When you generate reports using this feature, you can specify which information you want to see on the report, so you don’t have to search through information you don’t need to find the information you want.

How do I add data to a Dentrix G4 report?

(For information about each filter, consult the Dentrix G4 User’s Guide or the Dentrix G4 Reports Reference.) Click the Data Fields tab and check the data you want to include on the report. Click OK to close the Patient Report View.

How do I include all procedure codes on a report?

In the Procedure Code Range group box, select the range of procedure codes that you want to include on the report. Click the From search button to select the starting procedure code and the To search button to select the ending procedure code. Or, leave <ALL> selected in both fields to include all procedure codes.


How do I run a procedure code report in Dentrix?

In the Procedure Code Range group box, select the range of procedure codes that you want to include on the report. Click the From search button to select the starting procedure code and the To search button to select the ending procedure code. Or, leave selected in both fields to include all procedure codes.

What is a procedure code analysis report?

The Procedure Code Analysis report will identify any codes that have been deleted or are invalid giving you any available replacement code(s), will note any codes that have had their terminology revised, will identify any starred procedures, and give you a list of the latest modifiers.

How do I print a new patient report in Dentrix?

Printing A New Patient (NP) List In DENTRIX.Create a merge data file only in Office Manager Letters Welcome Highlight Welcome - Before 1st Visit click Edit.From the Patient Report View window click the Appointments Filter button.More items...

How do you add a procedure code in Dentrix?

Adding procedure codesIf you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) Procedure Codes & Conditions. ... On the Procedure Codes tab, click (or tap) Add Procedure Code. ... Leave Procedure code selected as the Code type.More items...•

How do you run an active patient list in dentrix?

In the Office Manager, from the Analysis menu, click Patient List.Click Add.Give your list a name in the List name field.Add any filters you deem are necessary to define your active patient list. ... Click the blue arrow button.

How do I pull a production report in dentrix?

Generate this report from the Office Manager > Reports > Management > Practice Analysis Reports. Then in the Practice Analysis Reports dialog box, in the Select Summary Reports section, check Production Summary.

How do I create a custom report in Dentrix?

In the Office Manager menu, click Letters & Custom Lists. In the Letters & Lists dialog box, click the button that corresponds to the type of letter that you want to create. A dialog box corresponding to the type of letter appears. If necessary, set a date range.

How do you check new patients in Dentrix?

0:001:19Checking in a New Patient - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipTo check in a new patient. Before the patient comes into the practice the insurance should beMoreTo check in a new patient. Before the patient comes into the practice the insurance should be verified and indicated in the notes window prior to their visit to do so double-click on the appointment.

Where is the power reporting page in Dentrix?

On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Power Reporting. The Power Reporting page opens.

How do I add a Dexis button to dentrix?

The Dexis Integrator for Dentrix is located in the Dexis DATA folder. ( ... For version 9 and older, look for folder titled “Download”For 10 and newer, look for “Installs”Run the DEXMENU.exe.Click “Install Integrator for Dentrix” (Or click through the installer and select which Practice Management software you use)More items...

How do I get the toolbar back on dentrix?

Article Properties Open the Dentrix Module that is missing buttons. Right Click on the Button Bar area (the area where the buttons are normally displayed) and select Customize Toolbar... Under the Available Buttons area, control-click all the buttons you want to show. Click the ' > ' button. Click OK.

How do I edit a hot button in dentrix?

0:252:47Create and Edit Procedure Buttons in the Chart - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipGo to setup and proceed your buttons setup. If you'd like to make a change to one of the buttons weMoreGo to setup and proceed your buttons setup. If you'd like to make a change to one of the buttons we highlight the button and choose edit. Now within this window.

Why add date field in procedure code filter?

You may wish to add a Date field to the Layout and the Filter so that your report can represent a specific time period. The procedure code filter can include as many codes as you wish, for example if you want to create a report on crowns and need to include all the possible variations (D2390, D2710, D2712, etc.) performed in your office.

Can you report Dentrix Ascend Power?

A user asks, “Can I generate a report of all patients where I have billed a specific procedure code?” Using Dentrix Ascend Power Reporting, the answer is yes, you can .

Custom Report (Through Letters) To Track Which Patients Have Had Certain Procedures Completed In Dentrix

How to generate a report that includes the names of the patients who had a certain procedure done and the date of service.

Custom Report using Letters (Dentrix G5 and previous)

You can create a custom report of patients who have had certain procedure (s) completed by following these steps:
