patient advocacy and pharma advertising kaiser report

by Lisa King 4 min read

Patient Advocacy Groups Take In Millions From

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What is a patient advocate in a hospital?

Most hospitals have one or more patient advocates on staff. They are people you and your family can turn to for help in dealing with various problems you may have during your hospital stay. How can a patient advocate help?

What are my rights as a patient or visitor at Kaiser?

We honor your right to privacy and believe in every person's right to considerate and respectful care. Kaiser Permanente Member/Patient/Visitor Code of Conduct: We are committed to ensuring a safe, secure, and respectful environment for everyone – including our members, patients, visitors, clinicians, providers, health care teams, and employees.

Is my medical information with Kaiser Permanente safe and secure?

We take the trust you put in Kaiser Permanente seriously and continue to do all we can to keep your medical health information private, protected, and secure. If you believe that the privacy of your medical record may have been compromised, please contact Member Services.

What should I do if I have a concern with Kaiser?

Kaiser Permanente encourages you to report any concerns you have about your safety, quality of care, or privacy, as well as any suspected fraud. Reporting concerns about quality of care If you have any concerns about your safety or quality of care, please talk about them with your health care team.


How to be an advocate for a patient?

An advocate may: Make sure that you and your family know all the facts about your condition and your care. Give you and your family emotional support. Help you get copies of your medical records. Help with delays in getting tests, treatment, or information. Work with the hospital when you have complaints.

Do hospitals have advocates?

Not all hospitals have patient advocates. But you may be able to find help elsewhere: Your employer may offer patient advocacy services as part of your benefit package. Your insurance company may employ advocates who can help you with hospital billing problems. You may be able to hire a private patient advocate.

What is disease awareness?

Disease Awareness & Education: Collaborating with your organization on disease awareness and education initiatives (i.e., awareness days, public relations/communication activities, social media campaigns, etc.)#N#Sponsorship of Conferences or Symposia: Providing support for your organization’s conferences/meetings/symposia (meeting sponsorship, attendance by company representatives, exhibits, etc.)#N#Exchange of Scientific Information: Keeping your organization abreast of the latest scientific/medical information in your disease/focus area#N#Coalition Support: Building coalitions to advance and connect stakeholders in your therapeutic areas of focus#N#Advisory Boards: Sponsoring advisory boards, working groups, roundtables, etc. with organizations in your disease/focus area to address issues facing the community#N#Patient Access: Providing information on insurance coverage options and treatment access

How many organizations did Benchmark survey?

Benchmark data were collected from online surveys with 103 patient organizations and 37 professional associations across 18 different therapeutic areas, as well as with groups not focused on specific conditions.

How to contact Kaiser Permanente about fraud?

You can also contact Medicare for fraud-related questions and concerns at: Phone: 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477) Fax: 1-800-223-8164.

How to contact Medicare for fraud?

You can also contact Medicare for fraud-related questions and concerns at: Phone: 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477) Fax: 1-800-223-8164. TTY (for the hearing-impaired): 1-800-377-4950. Mailing address: Health and Human Services TIPS Hotline.

Does Kaiser Permanente report fraud?

Kaiser Permanente encourages you to report any concerns you have about your safety, quality of care, or privacy, as well as any suspected fraud.

Why do pharmaceutical companies need clarity?

Pharma companies must have clarity into what patients want and how well they are delivering on these fronts in order to design the right initiatives, set goals, and measure performance. Without this clarity, patient centricity efforts are much more likely to falter.

Do pharmaceutical companies talk to patients?

Although pharma companies frequently speak to health care professionals and patient advocacy groups about patients’ needs, they seem to spend far less effort on asking patients themselves what they want. Thus, patients’ wishes and preferences often remain unclear, posing a real problem for pharma companies looking to better engage patients.

Is patient centricity good for pharma?

Patient centricity is not just a noble goal; it offers clear benefits to pharma companies. HCP respondents said they were more willing to engage and work with pharma companies that they perceived as more patient centric. In addition, more than 50% of doctors said that, all else being being equal, they were more likely to prescribe medication from a pharma company they considered more patient centric. Notably, doctors in China seem particularly inclined to favor companies that they perceived as patient centric.

What is Kaiser Permanente?

Kaiser Permanente is your partner in total health care. Active communication between you and your physician as well as others on your health care team helps us to provide you with the most appropriate and effective care. We want to make sure you receive the medical information you need about your health plan, the people who provide your care, ...

Does Kaiser Permanente care about lifestyle?

Recognizing the effect of your lifestyle on your health. Your health depends not only on care provided by Kaiser Permanente, but also on the decisions you make in your daily life — poor choices such as smoking or choosing to ignore medical advice or positive choices such as exercising and eating healthy foods.

Can you keep your Kaiser card if you let someone else use it?

If you let someone else use your card, we may keep your card and terminate your membership. Your Kaiser Permanente ID card is for identification only and does not give you rights to services or other benefits unless you are an eligible member of our Health Plan.
