1 hours ago Download the free portal app at your Apple or Android store. Enter Healow in the search field and click install. Once installation is completed, click on “Get Started.” Enter the practice code GHEICA and hit “login.” You will need to login with your username and password. To access your medical information without an email address… >> Go To The Portal
Download the free portal app at your Apple or Android store. Enter Healow in the search field and click install. Once installation is completed, click on “Get Started.” Enter the practice code GHEICA and hit “login.” You will need to login with your username and password. To access your medical information without an email address…
Dec 11, 2019 · The Health Partnership Clinic Patient Portal Patients can communicate directly with their providers, make medication requests and even give updates on how they are doing. They can provide what their blood pressure readings are, or what their diet was for that day. Even moral support can be provided.
Starting January 1, 2022, your pharmacy benefit will be provided by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) instead of Partnership HealthPlan of California (PHC). Your prescriptions will be covered by Medi-Cal Rx. Telehealth visits allow you to access your health care providers and receive quality medical care from the comfort of your home.
Using the Partnership Health Center for treatment was convenient and allowed me the opportunity to schedule appointments right after my shifts. The therapists knew what they were doing and got me back to 100%. And the doctor at the health center kept up with my treatments and how I was doing. This is a great way to get healthcare." –Member ...
PHC members can access substance use disorder treatment services. Depending where you live, you can get this service through the new Wellness and Recovery Program or through your county’s mental health agency.
Well-child visits help you know your child is on track with their health and development. Find out more about well-child visits and help getting to appointments.
Effective February 1, 2021, with direction from the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), PHC is changing the "Special Member" name to "Direct Member.". This is a name change only, PHC benefits or how members receive care are not affected.
We have partnered with Beacon Health Strategies (Beacon) to help manage mental health benefits for most PHC Medi-Cal Members with mild to moderate mental health conditions in need of outpatient mental health services.