17 hours ago Nov 29, 2016 · Minor and Parental Access to Patient Portals National and State-based examples and use cases. This guide provides examples and overviews of patient portal considerations for minors as it relates to Meaningful Use, HIPAA. state consent laws and associated policies. >> Go To The Portal
Nov 29, 2016 · Minor and Parental Access to Patient Portals National and State-based examples and use cases. This guide provides examples and overviews of patient portal considerations for minors as it relates to Meaningful Use, HIPAA. state consent laws and associated policies.
The Institute's portal allows a third party, such as a parent, spouse, or caretaker, to view a patient's health records or interact with the patient's health care team through proxy electronic...
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Many organizations are investing in a variety of secure-access Web portals, such as portals that give providers access to patient records and employee portals that allow staff the opportunity to work remotely. Patient portals offer consumers the ability to e-mail securely with physicians, complete registration forms prior to appointments, and access their health records.
Laws recognize several categories of parent. These include: 1 Legal guardian 2 Married biological parents 3 Separated or divorced biological parents 4 Step parents 5 Adoptive parents 6 Foster parents 7 Grandparents (children living with grandparents who are not legal guardians) 8 Other, such as a parent in the service or overseas who has transferred guardianship to a relative or friend with whom the child is temporarily living
In many states, minors have privacy rights specific to sexual reproduction, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental health and substance abuse treatment. These rights require a signed authorization by the patient before information can be released to a parent.
Under most state and federal laws, for a minor to obtain health care services, the minor's parent or legal guardian must consent to such services. However, under certain circumstances, state laws and HIPAA permit minors to consent to care on their own.
Since implementation, 1,534 adolescent patients have activated a portal account. Not counting patients who have since transitioned to adult accounts or otherwise left the system, the Institute currently has more than 500 adolescent users. Of these users, 223 have logged in more than five times in the past 12 months.
The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics.
MHS GENESIS is the new secure patient portal for TRICARE. It will eventually deploy to all military medical and dental facilities worldwide and replace the TOL Patient Portal.
If you’re already a registered user on the TOL Secure Patient Portal, MHS GENESIS works much the same way.
If your military hospital or clinic uses TOL, click here to log in: >>TRICARE Online
Parents with registered Parent Portal accounts can login and access: Grades | Attendance |#N#Student Registration | Emergency Card | Performance Data | Immunizations#N#and other information about their students.
Email*: parentportal@pisd.edu#N#*Email must include: Student name, Student ID, Campus