19 hours ago Customised reports for Pre-surgical and Non-surgical patients The Interpretive Report includes tailored considerations for clinicians working with pain patients to help serve as a guide in making prudent judgments. A three-page section in the report can be customised for either pre-surgical or nonsurgical populations. • The Presurgical Pain Patient Report focuses on surgical risk >> Go To The Portal
The statements in the MBMD Pain Patient Reports are based on the research literature, direct empirical studies of the MBMD with pain patients, and plausible hypotheses from clinical experience. The content of the reports was also refined in consultation with pain psychologists who use the MBMD.
Chronic pain norms and Pain Patient Reports assist with pre-treatment psychosocial evaluations to help professionals select suitable therapies. Normative sample for the pain patient reports comprises 1,200 patients in the United States who are being treated for issues involving chronic pain.
Users of the MBMD Interpretive Report should anticipate differences in the look of this report when it is sent to a WordPerfect file rather than printed directly from this software. The interpretive report was designed with distinct paragraph headers which are actually graphic boxes inserted between the paragraphs of the report.
Pain Patient Interpretive Report: includes tailored considerations for clinicians working with pain patients to help serve as a guide in making prudent judgments. Find out how to use this test in your telepractice.
The MBMD test is a more personality and psychopathology-based test and includes three norm group options. The MBMD also includes some areas not covered by the BHI2, including coping styles, stress moderators and treatment prognostics, as well as negative health habits such as smoking, lack of exercise, and over eating.
Because the MBMD test is normed on medical patients, it can be used with patients who are undergoing a variety of medical care, rehabilitation, or surgical treatment regimens. The MBMD can help identify patients with psychiatric problems and recommend interventions.
MBMD increases the likelihood of positive treatment outcomes and reduce the overall costs of care. Benefits. Identify patients who may have significant psychiatric problems and recommend specific interventions. Pinpoint personal and social assets that may facilitate adjustment to physical limitations or lifestyle changes.
The MBMD test can help identify the main psychosocial factors that can contribute to the recovery from, relapse of, or progression of physical disease.
General medical normative sample permits the test’s use to extend into a variety of settings, including sleep disorder centers , cancer treatment centers, cardiac rehabilitation programs, neurological rehabilitation units, military and veterans’ hospitals, primary care facilities and family medicine clinics.
This webinar explores the topic of presurgical assessment and provides information about several assessment tools that can help the clinician understand these biopsychosocial variables and how they can predict outcomes.
High levels of psychological symptomatology are often indicative of patient satisfaction and adverse or sub-optimal surgical outcomes.
Explore the following products to find the right presurgical evaluations for your patients.