33 hours ago Conveniently Manage Your Health Care. My Portal (Patient Portal) provides you with online access to your medical information on a convenient and secure site. View your personal health records, clinical summaries, laboratory and imaging results, as well as instructions and education specific to your care. >> Go To The Portal
Conveniently Manage Your Health Care. My Portal (Patient Portal) provides you with online access to your medical information on a convenient and secure site. View your personal health records, clinical summaries, laboratory and imaging results, as well as instructions and education specific to your care.
PatientExperienceAdvocate-PHC@DignityHealth.org Or phone Toll Free (833) 292-3658 Insurance Accepted Pacific Central Coast Health Centers contracts with most health insurance plans, including Medi-Cal, and provides health care services that fit your health plan benefits. Learn more Billing Information
Welcome to Pacific Central Coast Health Centers We have plenty of providers to choose from. Find a PHC Provider Schedule an Appointment My Care (Patient Portal) Insurance Accepted Billing Virtual Visits A virtual visit lets you meet with your doctor through a video call, instead of going into the clinic. Learn More
Billing Questions. For Billing questions or to make a payment contact PHC Patient Advocacy (855) 337-8945 between 8 am-5 pm, M-F. For Billing questions or to make a payment for SLO Oncology & Hematology Health Center contact (805) 614-5575 between 8 am-4:30 pm, M-F.
Pacific Central Coast Health Center's health care mission is powered by the belief that by delivering an unmatched standard of quality and personal care, we enable the practice of medicine to fulfill the promise of medicine. Comprehensive services designed to provide seamless primary and specialty care.
My Portal (Patient Portal) provides you with online access to your medical information on a convenient and secure site. View your personal health records, clinical summaries, laboratory and imaging results, as well as instructions and education specific to your care. Transmit your visit summaries to your providers, view upcoming appointments, and securely message participating health care teams.
A primary care provider (PCP) is typically your first point of contact for all your health issues. This is the doctor or nurse practitioner you see for common health problems.
A virtual visit lets you meet with your doctor through a video call, instead of going into the clinic.
The 2020-21 Better Business Bureau Ratings. The hospitals and health centers of Dignity Health Central Coast are accredited by the Better Business Bureau and have an A+ rating. Submit a Review. Mission, Vision and Values.
For Billing questions or to make a payment contact PHC Patient Advocacy (855) 337-8945 between 8 am-5 pm, M-F
To Pay Your Bill Online, Set Up Payment Plans and View Account Balances Dignity.patientportal.me/DignityHealthPHC
Government Program Resources for the Uninsured The Foundation for Health Coverage Education (FHCE) offers a unique online tool to help you find health coverage.
We’re excited to begin the rollout of our online self-scheduling tool. Our online scheduler will allow patients to sign up for appointments. Patients can now start scheduling appointments for COVID-19 Vaccines and visits to Penobscot Pediatrics (our flagship pediatrics practice at 6 Telcom Drive, Bangor) and Brewer Medical Center. We will continue to work on rolling out this platform for other clinics soon.
FULL RFP Penobscot Community Health Center, Inc. (“PCHC”) requests proposals from entities who are in the business of offering insurance brokerage services to health care entities (“Bidder”) as further described in this RFP. PCHC is a nonprofit, Section 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt corporation with its administrative offices located in Bangor, Maine (“PCHC”). PCHC operates a Federally Qualified ] Read More
ESTABLISHED PATIENTS PATIENT PORTAL We are pleased to announce the availability of our Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Patient Portal. Our portal is an online service that allows our established patients to access current health issues and procedures, labs, allergies and demographic/contact information.
Please note, the portal and email in general should not be used for urgent or emergent medical needs. If you have a medical issue, you must not use the portal to request assistance. Please call our office for any urgent matters.