
by Maryse Littel 8 min read


14 hours ago The document has moved here. >> Go To The Portal

What is a my chart?from my.clevelandclinic.org

MyChart is a secure, online health management tool that connects Cleveland Clinic patients to portions of their electronic medical record allowing you to see test results, message your physician, schedule appointments and more.

What is stchas.edu?from stchas.edu

The stchas.edu website is really for prospective students and the community, so the portal is where current students like you will find information relevant to your needs. There are five main sections of mySCC:

Is MyChart available for Martin Health?from my.clevelandclinic.org

MyChart is now available for Cleveland Clinic Martin Health patients.

Can a spouse have an interpreter?from my.clevelandclinic.org

You can even have your spouse, caregiver or an interpreter join you.