open dental patient portal payment?

by Mrs. Velda Harber 4 min read

Open Dental Software - Online Payment Management

1 hours ago Patients can make online payments using the Patient Portal Feature and XCharge (OpenEdge), Edge Express, or PayConnect.Payments can be made with or without logging into the portal. How it works: Enable online payments for the practice/clinic in Open Dental and provide patients a way to access the online payments interface (see below). >> Go To The Portal

How do I add a payment type to open dental?

To add or edit available payment type options:Double-click an existing item or click Add to create a new item. The Edit Definition window will open.Name: Enter the payment type.N=Not selected for deposit: Enter N to exclude this type from deposit slips or leave blank to include this type.Click OK to save.

What is dental portal?

ABOUT. Since its inception in 2016, The Dental Portal has helped numerous students achieve their ambitions of studying Dentistry. ​ A combination of blogs, webinars, personal statement and interview courses has made The Dental Portal a fantastic resource for dentistry applicants.

What is unearned patient income in open dental?

Unearned income is typically a patient prepayment towards future charges or a patient overpayment to be refunded. When a patient payment has a Payment Split (paysplit) with an unearned type set, it is considered a prepayment or unearned income.

How do you do EOB on open dental?

0:408:14Open Dental Webinar- Claim Payments - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipButton open dental will open up the enter payment window.MoreButton open dental will open up the enter payment window.

Which dental schools use Bmat?

​The University of Leeds is the only university in the UK to require BMAT for Dentistry – most Dental schools instead require the UCAT when applying. The international universities that request the BMAT for Dentistry are the University of Pécs and the Mahidol International Dental School.

How do I find my dental insurance claim number?

Claim Identifier (CLM01): A unique identifying number for each claim. Open Dental automatically generates this number using the format PatNum/ClaimNum. It can be manually edited when creating the claim, but once the claim is saved it cannot be changed.

How to open pending payment in a patient?

In the Main Menu click Tools, Pending Online Payments. Alternatively, in the Main Menu, click Alerts. Select the Pending Payment alert, then click Open. To update the list of Payments Needing Processing, click Refresh. To open a patient's account, right click on a row, then click Go to Account.

How to mark pending payments as read?

To mark the alert as read, select Mark As Read. This will reset the Alert () count and turn off the yellow highlight. To open the Pending Online Payments window, click Open Pending Online Payments. This will also mark the alert as read, reset the Alert () count, and turn off the yellow highlight.

How to enter payment in a patient ledger?

To enter a payment: Select the charges (adjustments, pay plan debits, procedures) from the patient ledger, then click Payment. Alternatively, just click Payment. Enter the payment amount. Check Prefer this patient to apply the payment to the patient's oldest outstanding charges.

What is total payment?

Total: The sum of all current payment splits. The Total must match the total payment Amount.

What does "editing an existing payment" mean?

Editing an existing payment: Cancels any changes made in the payment window.

What happens if a new payment is not processed?

New payment no credit card transaction: If this is a new payment and no credit card has been processed, cancel deletes the payment.

What is bank branch?

Bank-Branch is a good way to differentiate check payments with the same check number and/or same payment amount. Note: A note is automatically added after processing a credit card payment, with the Credit Card Transaction Details.

How to change password in a patient portal?

Patients can change their own password while logged into the portal. In the upper right corner of the portal, click the patient name, then Change Password. Enter the current user name and password, then enter and confirm the new password. Click OK to change.

What is the image area in the patient portal?

The Images area allows patients to view and download PDFs and image files. Only items stored in an Images folder that is designated as Show in Patient Portal are listed.

What is the appointment area in a patient?

The Appointments area shows all of the patient's appointments and any outstanding action items, such as sent eConfirmations that have not yet been confirmed, or Web Sched Recall notifications for appointments not yet scheduled.

How to make a payment without logging in?

To make a payment without logging in, see Online Payment. Manage Credit Cards: When a patient makes a payment when logged in to the portal, credit card information is automatically saved. In the upper right, click the patient name, then Manage Credit Cards to add or remove credit cards.

What does the bold symbol mean on a patient's email?

Bold message indicate an unread message. If the message has an attachment (e.g. a clinical summary), a paperclip symbol shows to the left of the message. To open an attachment, click on the link. Patients can only view attachments; they cannot upload and send attachments.

What is a notification email subject?

The notification email subject and message are used to create un-secure email notifications that alert a patient when a new Secure WebMail Feature is available in the patient portal.

What is a hosted URL?

Hosted URL: The patient portal URL generated by Open Dental and linked to your registration key.

What is a patient's URL?

URLs determine the web address patients will use to access the patient portal and/or make patient payments. Patients can go directly to the hosted URL (generated by Open Dental) or to the hosted payment URL.

Who hosts the patient portal?

Patient Portal is hosted by Open Dental and available to all customers on support.

How to charge a card in PayConnect?

PayConnect Window: Select Sale as the transaction type. For new cards, enter the card information and check Save Token to safely store the card on file then click OK to charge the card .

How to make a payment on Edge Express?

Edge Express: Select Purchase as the transaction type and select the card entry method. For new cards, check Save Token to safely store the card on file, then enter the card information and click Make Payment to charge the card.

What happens to ACH payment after it is settled?

Note: After an ACH payment has been processed, the payment status will be marked as Posted (pending) in the Payment Note. Once the transaction is settled with the bank, the payment amount and status will need to be manually updated if declined. For users with an active registration key (are on support) and eConnector, when the transaction is settled, the status in the payment note will automatically update to Settled if approved or Failed if declined. The note will also be appended with the declined payment response from PaySimple.

What is Paysimple payment?

PaySimple: Supports swiped credit card transactions plus ACH and direct debit payments from a patient's checking or savings account.

How to process a credit card payment?

To process a credit/debit card payment, enter the payment details in the Payment window then select a card from the Credit Card dropdown. To directly withdraw from a patient's checking or savings account (ACH payment), select the PaySimple ACH account instead. Or select New Card to enter new account information.

How to print receipts on XCharge?

Click Print Receipt or E-mail Receipt on the payment window to manually send a receipt generated from the credit card processor . Receipts for XCharge can be set to automatically print after a successful transaction, see XCharge Setup. To print a receipt that shows patient account information, see Receipt.

What to do when credit card declined?

When a credit card transaction is declined, click cancel or try again. Clicking OK will post the transaction amount to the account.


Link to The Hosted URL

  • When patients are provided a link to the Hosted URL, the link launches the Sign In window. From there, patients can make a payment with or without logging in to the Patient Portal. To make a payment without logging in: 1. On the Sign in window, patient clicks Make Payment. 2. Patient ve…
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Direct Link to The Hosted Payment URL

  • When patients are provided a link to the Hosted Payment URL, they can make a payment without logging in to the Patient Portal. The link launches the Verify Personal Info window. 1. Patient verifies personal information (First Name, Last Name, Birthday), then clicks OK. Open Dental will attempt to verify the information with an existing patient. If validation is successful, the Paymen…
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  • When a patient is provided a StatementURL on their statement, or in a text or email message sent with their statement, the URL launches the Sign in window. From there, patients can log in to see an online version of the statement and make a payment, or they can make a payment without logging in. To view an online version of the statement and make a payment: 1. Patient logs into t…
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  • Problem: Patient doesn't see a Make Payment link on the Sign in window. Solution: Online patient payments is not enabled correctly.
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Creating A Payment

To enter a payment: 1. Select the charges (adjustments, pay plan debits, procedures) from the patient ledger, then click Payment. Alternatively, just click Payment. 2. Enter the payment amount. Check Prefer this patientto apply the payment to the patient's oldest outstanding charges. Or, leave unchecked to appl…
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Payment Details

  • Clinic: The default clinic is determined by the Account Module Preference, Payments Use Patient: Clinic. Click the dropdown to select a different clinic. Clinic specified will determine which payment processor credentials are used for merchant services if defined per Clinic. If using Deposits, this is the clinic the payment is associated with. Paid By: The name of the patient maki…
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Payment Type

  • None (Income Transfer): When checked, the Pay button changes to Transfer and the Outstanding Charges grid groups by patient, clinic, and provider. These options are useful to transfer income. See Income Transfer. Payment Type: The type of payment. Customize options in Definitions: Payment Types. Whether or not a type is selected by default is determined by the Account Modu…
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Recurring Charge

  • Apply to Recurring Charge: Check to apply this payment to scheduled CC Recurring Charges. If more than one recurring charge is scheduled for a month, the window below will display. Select the desired recurring charge date from the drop down list. Patient will be removed from the Recurring Charges List for the date the payment was applied.
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Current Payment Splits

  • This area lists this payment's current Payment Splits (paysplits) allocated to providers, clinics, patient, procedure, adjustments, pay plan charges, etc. It also lists unallocated paysplits (Unearned / Prepayment). Double-click a row to edit, see Paysplit Revise. Delete Splits: Delete the selected paysplits from the grid. The total amount of the deleted split is added back to the Amt …
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  • To change what shows in the Outstanding Charges grid (see below), use the Filtering options. Show Only Allocated Credits: Only show production items with a remaining balance after their attached adjustments and payments have been applied. This may be useful if an outstanding charge is not listed because it has been indirectly paid off by unallocated credits. Show Super Fa…
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Outstanding Charges

  • This grid will list outstanding charges matching the filter criteria. Users can select charges or treatment planned procedures to create paysplits. Outstanding Tab: Lists all adjustments, pay plan charges, and completed procedures that meet the filter criteria. 1. Amt Orig: Amount owed on a charge prior to any payments, adjustments, or insurance estimates. 2. Amt End: Amount owed …
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Buttons at Bottom

  • Print Receipt: Reprint XCharge or PayConnect receipts. This button only shows if a receipt already exists for the transaction. Email Receipt: Generate a PDF copy of the XCharge or PayConnect receipt and email it to the patient. A copy of the receipt is saved in the patient's Imaging Module. Delete: Delete the entire payment. Only enabled on existing payments. OK: Post the payment to t…
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Navigating Patient Portal

Patients can navigate Patient Portal by clicking the tabs at the top. Tabs can be included or omitted depending on the settings selected by the office. See Patient Portal Settings. Additional patient portal options include: 1. Contact Us: View contact information about the practice or clinic. 2. Patient Name: The name of th…
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  • In the Appointments tab, patients can view scheduled and completed appointments and view other action needed items, such as appointments that need confirmed and Web Sched Recallnotifications that are still unscheduled. 1. Appointments: View completed and scheduled appointments. 2. Action Needed: View appointments where action is needed, such as confirmin…
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  • In the Account area, patients can view statements and make payments. 1. Pay: Make an Online Payment. Patients can make an online payment if they have a statement and Online Portal Paymentsis enabled. 2. Open: Open the statement in a new tab. 3. Download (icon): Download the statement. 4. Arrow (icon): View a summary of the balance on the statement....
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  • In the Plan tab, patients can view treatment planned procedures. This tab only displays treatment saved on a Saved Treatment Plan.
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  • View and send private Secure WebMail Featuremessages (between provider and patient). 1. Compose: Send a new webmail message. 2. Inbox: Messages received from the provider. 3. Sent Items: Messages sent by the patient. 4. Secure Email: View Secure Emailmessages. Click on a message to preview it in the bottom of the screen. 1. Bold text indicates an unread message 2. I…
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  • In the Summary tab, patients can view, download, or transmit EHR Continuity of Care Document ( CCD ). CCDs are automatically created and saved for patients if the office has downloaded SnoMed Codes and CVX Codes. See Importing Code Systems. Highlight a patient name to view the associated care summary. Click a Table of Contents link to jump to specific information. Th…
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  • In the Images tab, patients can view PDFs and image files stored in Imaging Modulefolders shared to the Patient Portal. Images display chronologically, oldest to newest. Click to download the file. Only patients with a status of Patient, NonPatient, or Inactivecan download images.
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