online patient portal ohio reproductive medicine

by Maybell Rolfson 10 min read

eIVF Patient Portal - Practice Notice - Ohio Reproductive …

18 hours ago  · Our team at Ohio Reproductive Medicine is focused on providing patient care that is convenient, comforting, and informative. We’ve compiled a list of patient resources to … >> Go To The Portal

When is sperm placed in the uterus?

With intrauterine insemination, specially prepared sperm is placed directly into a woman’s uterus around the time of ovulation.

How old is Ava Renae?

Ava Renae was born on January 15, 2009, weighing 8 pounds, and 20 inches long. As you can imagine we were absolutely thrilled that we were able to achieve success on the very first try. We know that this was due to the quality care we received and the amazing staff you have there, especially our doctor. You are responsible for making our dreams of having a family come true, and we just want you to know how very special you are to us. We will never forget this amazing journey!!! Here are the pictures I promised to send you. She is one month old here.

Live births per frozen egg or embryo transfer

This reflects the portion of time that either a frozen donor egg or embryo was transferred and resulted in a live birth. As donors tend to be young, this is often a useful proxy for egg freezers.

Skip the Line

Lilia members get express access to fertility testing & initial consultations.
