3 hours ago State law requires OMMA to process patient license applications within 14 business days of the date the applicant submits it. OMMA will send applicants an email after staff reviews the application. ... log on to your account in the OMMA licensing portal and navigate the menu options to fill out a replacement card request. Select your ... >> Go To The Portal
Our new licensing portal launched in January 2022. If this is your first time applying for an OMMA license, we recommend starting on our webpage for Patient Licenses or Business Licenses. You’ll find helpful information and a link to create an account for the new licensing portal.
Access your patient portal online. To enroll in the OMH Patient Portal, you will first need to have access to your medical record number. This can be found on hospital billing documents (preferred) or acquired through an Authorization for Release of Medical Information form through our Health Information Management department.
Upon visiting the patient portal, a link at the bottom of the login screen states "Don't have an account? Sign up." Clicking the signup link will allow you to enter your name, date of birth, gender, medical record number, and an email address.
Are Patient Portal emails being received? It has been known that spam blocking software used by email providers such as AOL and Netzero may be blocking legitimate emails. To ensure that you are receiving Patient Portal emails please do the following: Add NextMD.com to your contact list, address list, safe list, or "Do Not Block" list.
Medical marijuana in Oklahoma is exclusive to patients holding a valid medical card. And as mentioned earlier, a marijuana certification from an OMMA approved doctor is necessary for the med card application process.
Once you secure your marijuana certification, you must submit your Oklahoma medical card application on the OMMA website. Before going any farther, however, confirm that you meet the following eligibility criteria:
There are over 2400 licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in Oklahoma where patients can obtain medical cannabis. Popular dispensaries in the state include:
Oklahoma voters approved the Medical Marijuana Legislation Initiative on June 26th, 2018. As a result, Oklahoma became the 30th US state to legalize medicinal cannabis. Subsequently, the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) was formed and charged with enforcing and regulating the newly founded medical marijuana program.
Below are the answers to questions patients have about the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority.
To enroll in the OMH Patient Portal, you will first need to have access to your medical record number. This can be found on hospital billing documents (preferred) or acquired through an Authorization for Release of Medical Information form through our Health Information Management department.
Munson Healthcare now offers you the ability to securely connect your health records to some third-party websites, health management apps or diet/fitness trackers like Apple Health. Apple Health allows you to view your health records on you Apple Watch, iPhone, and iPod.
Do you have a question? About accessing your patient portal, connecting to your health records, or connecting your fitness track, health tracker of choice?