obtaining consent from a patient for a case report

by Diego Leannon 9 min read

Informed Consent for Case Reports - PMC

6 hours ago A new international standard of editorial policy calls for written informed consent by the subject of every case report. Although this appears to be ethically appealing, the authors posit that in some situations, requesting informed consent may be unethical, can harm patients, and may … >> Go To The Portal

The CARE guidelines recommend obtaining informed consent from patients for all case reports. Our recommendation is to obtain informed consent from the patient. Although not technically required, especially if the case report does not include any identifying information, some journals require informed consent for all case reports before publishing.

Secure written consent from patient
Keep in mind that your patient is your partner in completing a case report, therefore make sure to discuss the report proactively with them including being explicit about any potential images that you are going to use, especially if they show or could identify the patient.
Mar 6, 2019

Full Answer

Do patients read consent forms?

They often do not read consent forms carefully because they assume that someone else has scrutinised the risks and benefits on their behalf. Interviews with 103 patients showed that many factors influence a decision to take part in medical research (Hastings Center Report 1996;26 (5):25-9).

Is your medical consent properly informed?

Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law. Patients have the right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care. Successful communication in the patient-physician relationship fosters trust and supports shared decision making.

What is a patient consent?

The physician provided his patient with a dense seven-page consent form, in which specific surgical risks, like tissue necrosis, were mentioned; she signed the consent form. However, the physician did not engage in any detailed discussions with his patient ...

Is informed consent possible?

Informed consent is not only required for clinical trials but is an essential prerequisite before enrolling each and every participant in any type of research involving human subjects including; diagnostic, therapeutic, interventional, bioequivalence, social and behavioral studies and for all research conducted domestically or abroad.

How do you consent a patient for a case report?

For a patient's consent to publication of information about them in a journal or thesisThe Information will be published without my name/child's name/relatives name attached and every attempt will be made to ensure anonymity. ... The Information may be published in a journal which is read worldwide or an online journal.More items...

Do case reports require ethical approval?

Case reports and studies intended for quality improvement are often considered not research and do not need IRB approval. Nevertheless, there should be some processes of clearing those studies with respect to ethical handling of patients and related data.

Do you need IRB approval for case report?

Under HIPAA, a case report is an activity to develop information to be shared for medical/educational purposes. Although the use of protected health information to prepare the paper does not require IRB review, the author of a case report must comply with HIPAA.

What are the 5 elements that should be part of consent?

The Elements of Informed Consent. Literature of bioethics often analyzes informed consent in terms of the following elements: (1) disclosure; (2) comprehension; (3) voluntariness; (4) competence; and (5) consent (see U.S. National Commission, 1978, U.S. President's Commission, 1982; Meisel and Roth, 1981).

Do you need consent for a case series?

For all case reports and case series, a signed HIPAA authorization should be obtained from the patients or their legally authorized representatives for the use and disclosure of their Protected Health Information.

What is patient consent form?

A document with important information about a medical procedure or treatment, a clinical trial, or genetic testing. It also includes information on possible risks and benefits. If a person chooses to take part in the treatment, procedure, trial, or testing, he or she signs the form to give official consent.

What research requires IRB approval?

IRB review and approval is required for projects that: Meet the definition of research. Involve human subjects and. Include any interaction or intervention with human subjects or involve access to identifiable private information.

What is the difference between a case study and a case report?

Case studies are widely used in psychology to provide insight into unusual conditions. A case study, also known as a case report, is an in depth or intensive study of a single individual or specific group, while a case series is a grouping of similar case studies / case reports together.

Do case reports count as research?

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CASES REPORT The case report is a research design where an unexpected or novel occurrence is described in a detailed report of findings, clinical course, and prognosis of an individual patient, which might be, but not mandatory, accompanied by a review of the literature of other reported cases.

What are the 4 types of consent?

Implied Consent. Participation in a certain situation is sometimes considered proof of consent. ... Explicit Consent. ... Active Consent. ... Passive Consent. ... Opt-Out Consent. ... Key Takeaway.

What are the 4 principles of informed consent?

There are 4 components of informed consent including decision capacity, documentation of consent, disclosure, and competency. Doctors will give you information about a particular treatment or test in order for you to decide whether or not you wish to undergo a treatment or test.

Why is it important to obtain consent from a patient?

Nurses and other health professionals are required to obtain valid consent before starting any form of treatment or intervention. Even when they give consent, patients may withdraw it at any point, and professionals must generally respect patients' wishes, regardless of their own personal views.

What is required to submit a case report?

Journals often have specific requirements for publishing case reports, which could include a requirement for informed consent, a letter or statement from the IRB and other things.

What should I do after writing a case report?

Once you have written a draft of the case report, you should seek feedback on your writing, from experts in the field if possible, or from those who have written case reports before .

Why is it important to write a case report?

the reason you would go to the trouble of writing one, is that the case is sufficiently unique, rare or interesting such that other medical professionals will learn something from it.

Does CHM have funding for publication?

It is best practice to check the journal's Info for Authors section or Author Center to determine what the cost is to publish. CHM does NOT have funds to support publication costs, so this is an important step if you do not want to pay out of pocket for publishing.

Is it free to publish a case report?

Be aware that it may not be free to publish your case report. Many journals charge publication fees. Of note, many open access journals charge author fees of thousands of dollars. Other journals have smaller page charges (i.e. $60 per page), and still others will publish for free, with an "open access option".

Do you need informed consent for a case report?

Although not technically required, especially if the case report does not include any identifying information, some journals require informed consent for all case reports. The CARE guidelines recommend obtaining informed consent AND the patient's perspective on the treatment/outcome (if possible).

Do journals have informed consent?

Journals may have their own informed consent form that they would like you to use, so please look for this when selecting a journal. Once you've identified the case, selected an appropriate journal (s), and considered informed consent, you can collect the required information to write the case report.

Basic principles

Patient privacy and consent are subject to guidance such as the CARE guidelines and COPE, which cover two key aspects: informed consent and removal of patient identifiers from manuscripts as well as clinical images, figures and datasets.

Did they really consent?

Authors and editors must critically assess whether consent for publication (distinct from consent for treatment) was truly given prior to writing or considering a case report for publication. When the patient is considered particularly vulnerable e.g. from a minority group, a child, a prisoner, having disabilities or diminished mental capacity etc.

What happens when things go wrong?

If a paper was published without appropriate consent and it cannot be obtained retroactively, this is an extremely serious matter and the paper may need to be retracted or withdrawn/removed depending on the sensitivity of the content and publication stage.

Katie Eve

Katie Eve is a Communications Manager in Elsevier’s Global Publishing Development department. She joined Elsevier in 2010 and worked as a Publisher for journals across earth sciences and energy before moving into her communications position in 2017.

Catriona Fennell

Following graduation from the National University of Galway, Ireland, Catriona Fennell joined Elsevier as a Journal Manager in 1999. She later had the opportunity to learn about the intricacies of peer review while supporting and training hundreds of editors during the introduction of Elsevier Editorial System (EES).

Margaret Rees

Margaret Rees has an international reputation of leadership in women's midlife health and is the Executive Director of the European Menopause and Andropause Society. A gynaecologist, she is Editor-in-Chief of Case Reports in Women’s Health and Emeritus Editor of Maturitas.

What is the importance of confidentiality in healthcare?

Such trust allows open and honest reporting of symptoms and medical history, which is crucial to developing the correct diagnosis and initiating appropriate treatment. As clinicians, we have an ethical and professional responsibility to safeguard confidential information shared by patients, supplemented in almost all jurisdictions by legal obligations.

Can a case report be published without consent?

In situations where patient consent to publish has not been obtained, approval of a local ethics committee may be a factor in favour of publication. However, approval of a local ethics committee does not necessarily guarantee that European Heart Journal—Case Reports will allow publication of a case report without consent. In particular, approval from an ethics committee should not overcome a patient’s refusal to provide consent.

What is consent form?

The consent form is intended, in part, to provide information for the potential subject’s current and future reference and to document the interaction between the subject and the investigator. However, even if a signed consent form is required, it alone does not constitute an adequate consent process.

What is informed consent?

The informed consent process is an ongoing exchange of information between the investigator and the subject and could include, for example, use of question and answer sessions, community meetings, and videotape presentations.

What is the 45 CFR 46.116 E?

It is important to note that the informed consent requirements in the regulations are not intended to preempt any applicable federal, state, or local laws that require additional information to be disclosed for consent to be legally effective ( 45 CFR 46.116 (e) ).

What is voluntary refusal to participate?

a statement that participation is voluntary, refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled, and the subject may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled.

Who is an investigator in HHS?

For the purposes of the HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 46, “investigators” are individuals who conduct human subjects research projects, including individuals directly involved in seeking the voluntary informed consent of potential subjects. Investigators can include physicians, scientists, nurses, administrative staff, teachers, and students, ...

Is informed consent legal?

Informed consent is legally effective if it is both obtained from the subject or the subject’s legally authorized representative and documented in a manner that is consistent with the HHS protection of human subjects regulations and with applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which the research is conducted.

Can an investigator use a human as a subject?

The regulations state that “no investigator may involve a human being as a subject in research covered by this policy unless the investigator has obtained the legally effective informed consent of the subject or the subject’s legally authorized representative” ( 45 CFR 46.116 ).

Consent Forms

A consent form is a signed document that outlines the informed consent of an individual for a medical study, clinical trial, or activity. Whether you’re looking for a way to gather model releases, activity waivers, parental consent, or medical consent forms, you can start by selecting one of our 400+ Consent Form Templates.

Informed Consent Forms

Receive signed liability waivers and e-signatures online with our free COVID-19 Liability Waiver form. Easy to customize and share. No coding required.

Medical Consent Forms

This excellent Online Medical Consent Form has form fields that ask about the patient information, parent/guardian or emergency contact details, medical data, and the consent waiver. In order to fully acknowledge the consent, this template is using the E-signature widget where the patient can sign digitally.

Travel Consent Forms

Get authorization from your company to travel and attend a conference, seminar, auditing, or inspection by using this Employee Travel Authorization Form. This form can be embedded on ay webpage using the embed code.

Other Consent Forms

Get consenting e-signatures online from your patients. Add terms and conditions without coding. Free HIPAA compliance option for coronavirus responders.


These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.

What is a case report?

A case report is an unsystematic clinical observation that states the outcome or response of a single patient to a diagnostic strategy or treatment . Case reports serve to document and share novel cases amongst the medical community for educational purposes.

When case reports describe or discuss unique or rare circumstances, as they often do, it may be difficult or impossible to answer

When case reports describe or discuss unique or rare circumstances, as they often do, it may be difficult or impossible to de-identify those cases such that there is no reasonable expectation that the individuals included can be identified, so patient authorization generally would be required.

When safe harbor de-identification is not possible or the opportunity to identify the patient exists, even after de-ident

When safe harbor de-identification is not possible or the opportunity to identify the patient exists, even after de-identification, the expert determination method for de-identification can be considered. For purposes of de-identification, an expert is defined as: A person with appropriate knowledge of and experience with generally accepted statistical and scientific principles and methods for rendering information not individually identifiable:

Is PHI de-identified under HIPAA?

It is important to understand that determining whether data are de-identified under HIPAA is a more restrictive determination than determining whether private information is individually identifiable under the Common Rule. The HIPAA rule considers PHI as any information that may identify an individual; was created or received by a member of a HIPAA covered entity; and relates to the individual's past, present, or future physical/mental health or condition, health care, or payment for health care. HIPAA recognizes two methods for de-identification of data.

Does a doctor have to disclose your name?

Dr. (insert name) is obligated to protect your privacy and not disclose your personal information (information about you and your health that identifies you as an individual e.g. name, date of birth, medical record number). When the case report is published or presented, your identity will not be disclosed.

Can a case report be published?

A case report may be published ( in print and/or via internet dissemination) for others to read, and/or presented at a conference. This form explains the purpose of this case report. Please read this form carefully and take your time to make your decision and ask any questions that you may have.