nyec patient portal challenge

by Mrs. Yadira Johns 6 min read

Videos of NYeC Patient Portal Challenge

23 hours ago  · This week, in partnership with live with design and Health 2.0, NYeC held an information session and networking event for more than 80 designers and developers interested in learning more about the Patient Portal for New Yorkers Design Challenge.NYeC staff made a short presentation about the overall portal project and challenge, and fielded questions. >> Go To The Portal

Statewide Network (SHIN-NY)

The Statewide Health Information Network of New York ( SHIN-NY) is a network of information transmitted between users. Like the internet, as more users connect, it grows, evolves, and becomes more secure, efficient, and easy to use.

Patient Portal

Health information technology refers to all computer programs and tools that help store, organize, and exchange medical information electronically. This includes electronic health records and e-prescriptions, which replace paper files and handwritten scripts, along with tools such as mobile heath apps and remote monitoring.

For Healthcare Providers

As a member of the healthcare community, you may already be using EHRs. You may have made the switch from paper some time ago, or you may only now be looking to make the leap.

Digital Health Conference

The Digital Health Conference brings together a diverse group of professionals for two days of lively intellectual exchange.
