14 hours ago If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call our scheduling team as soon as possible at 503.659.4988. We request at least 24 hours notice if you will need to cancel your appointment. We reserve the right to charge $40 for missed appointments and appointments canceled with less than 24 hours notice. >> Go To The Portal
To schedule an appointment with a Northwestern Medicine physician, call 844.344.6663 (NMMD). To make an appointment for diagnostic testing, contact us. When you choose a Northwestern Medicine physician, you will be selecting a professional from one of the nation's top academic health systems where patients come first.
Schedule and manage appointments with your MyNM Patient Portal account. Hold your place in line for treatment of minor illness or injury, on-site prescriptions and other non-life threatening urgent care at your nearest Northwestern Medicine Immediate Care Center.
To make an appointment for diagnostic testing, contact us. When you choose a Northwestern Medicine physician, you will be selecting a professional from one of the nation's top academic health systems where patients come first.
With video or phone visits, you can meet with your doctor through your computer, smartphone or tablet — without leaving your home. Video visits are live video, similar to FaceTime or Skype. You doctor will see you and talk with you, like a regular doctor’s visit.
Schedule your Annual Wellness Visit as a video visit or get more information. Call your doctor’s office to get started.
Please visit the COVID-19 Public Vaccine Distribution section on the COVID-19 Resource Center for more information.
To schedule an appointment with a Northwestern Medicine physician, call 844.344.6663 (NMMD).
When you choose a Northwestern Medicine physician, you will be selecting a professional from one of the nation's top academic health systems where patients come first.