midvalley hosptial omak patient portal

by Deondre Lesch 9 min read

Mid-Valley Hospital's Patient Portal

36 hours ago Oct 14, 2019 · MID-VALLEY HOSPITAL & CLINIC - PATIENT PORTAL Mid-Valley uses Cerner Health to give you access to your own medical record, connect with our health care team and more! You may also access information for family members and individuals for whom you provide care for. (When granted access) NEW Patient Portal For Mid-Valley Hospital & Clinic Enroll >> Go To The Portal

Where is Mid-Valley Hospital Omak?

Oct 14, 2019 · MID-VALLEY HOSPITAL & CLINIC - PATIENT PORTAL Mid-Valley uses Cerner Health to give you access to your own medical record, connect with our health care team and more! You may also access information for family members and individuals for whom you provide care for. (When granted access) NEW Patient Portal For Mid-Valley Hospital & Clinic Enroll

Where is Mid-Valley Hospital located?

Mid-Valley Hospital is committed to making excellence a part of every patient encounter. In carrying out its commitment, the hospital participates in numerous national and state quality initiatives, as well as national patient satisfaction benchmarking.

How to contact miDmiD-Valley Clinic?

This is why we offer more services and procedures than most rural communities. Our family of services includes not only the hospital, but Mid-Valley Clinic and Orthopedics too. Accessing exceptional care here not only means better health, but peace of mind and avoiding travel costs too. Emergency Department. Laboratory Services.

Why choose quality Mid-Valley Hospital?

Mid-Valley Hospital. 810 Jasmine St, Omak, WA 98841 Phone: 509-826-1760 Fax: 509-826-7211. Mid-Valley Clinic. 529 Jasmine St, Omak, WA 98841 Phone: 509-826-1600 Fax: 509-826-2127. Billing / Patient accounts (509) 861-2520. ... Patient …



More than 250 staff members dedicate their professional lives to supporting Mid-Valley’s family of services. Their smiling faces greet you at the front door, they ensure our facilities are well maintained and clean, and are committed to providing quality care for our community.


Our patients can be assured that we are able to quickly and efficiently evaluate and provide care. Patients who are severely injured are stabilized at Mid-Valley Hospital for transfer to Level I and Level II Trauma Centers, with which we have established transfer contracts.

QUALITY at the forefront of everything we do

Mid-Valley Hospital is committed to making excellence a part of every patient encounter. In carrying out its commitment, the hospital participates in numerous national and state quality initiatives, as well as national patient satisfaction benchmarking.

Patient experiences at MID VALLEY HOSPITAL

These measures show how often hospitals provide care that gets the best results for patients with certain conditions.

Quality Measure at MID VALLEY HOSPITAL

Average (median) minutes patients who came to the emergency department with broken bones had to wait before getting pain medication
