10 hours ago Dr. Michael W. Carnahan is a Family Medicine Doctor in Ardmore, OK. Find Dr. Carnahan's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. >> Go To The Portal
Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Carnahan online today. It's simple, secure, and free.
Call Dr. Carnahan for more information on telehealth services.
We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Carnahan in 6 key categories based on 17 reviews. See ratings .
Check Dr. Carnahan's profile to see which insurance they accept.
Dr. Carnahan's office is located at 1306 12th Ave, Ardmore, OK....
Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families....
Dr. Carnahan has indicated that they offer telehealth. Contact the office to check for eligibility for your needs.
Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if Dr. Carnahan accepts your insurance.
Dr. Carnahan frequently treats Overweight, Obesity, and Sinusitis. See all procedures and conditions Dr. Carnahan treats.
Dr. Carnahan's office is located at 1104 Walnut Dr, Ardmore, OK 73401. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.
Dr. Michael Carnahan, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist in Ardmore, OK and has over 35 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from University... Read more
Dr. Carnahan is affiliated with the following hospital. Select the hospital below to learn more.
Dr. Michael Carnahan, a family doctor in Ardmore, OK, offers primary care for any member of the family – from seniors to children.
Yes, Dr. Michael W. Carnahan is accepting new patients at this office.
NOTE: Please contact the doctor’s office to confirm your coverage before making an appointment.
Dr. Carnahan is generally the initial point of contact for patients seeking general or primary medical treatment & will refer patients to a specialist if needed. As a family doctor in Oklahoma, Dr. Michael Carnahan delivers general health care for individuals & households.
Dr. Carnahan graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1986. He works in Ardmore, OK and 2 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Carnahan is affiliated with Mercy Hospital Ardmore.
The Vitals website is provided for your informational use only. Nothing contained or offered by, on or through Vitals should be construed as medical advice or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Vitals does not recommend or endorse any particular healthcare provider whose information or ratings appear on this website. We encourage you to read our full Terms of Service.
Dr. Carnahan graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1986. He works in Ardmore, OK and 2 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Carnahan is affiliated with Mercy Hospital Ardmore.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
Dr. Michael W. Carnahan MD (he/him) is a highly-rated family physician in Ardmore, OK. He is rated 4 out of 5 by patients on CareDash and has received an overall patient experience rating of 3.3 out of 5.
As a family physician, Dr. Carnahan may see patients with the following 31 conditions. Please always check with Dr. Carnahan directly about what conditions he treats, since he may treat additional conditions not listed here.
Our records indicate that Dr. Carnahan accepts the following insurance providers. Please verify this information directly with Dr. Carnahan, since it may change frequently and vary by office location. He may also accept additional insurance plans not listed here.
Dean was born and raised in Collinsville, Texas. He moved to Madill Oklahoma in 1995 and is proud to call Oklahoma home. He received his LVN from Grayson County College in 1995 and his Associate degree in Nursing in 1995.
Dr. Michael W Carnahan, M.D., a Board Certified Diplomat in Family Practice, was born and raised in Lawton, Oklahoma. After earning a Bachelor of Science degree at The University of Oklahoma, Dr. Carnahan attended the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine where he received his Doctor of Medicine Degree in 1986.
Dr. Thomas W. McCulloh, an Ardmore Oklahoma native, graduated from The University of Oklahoma in1972 and earned his medical degree from Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1977.
Laurel received her Master of Education Degree from the University of Alabama, Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Edinboro University, Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Alabama and Post Masters Family Nurse Practitioner Degree from Texas Womens University.
Shawn was born in Maryland, raised in Hawaii and Oklahoma and currently lives in Oklahoma City. In 2012, he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Central Oklahoma and his Masters of Health Science degree from the University of Oklahoma in 2015.
Michael Carnahan is a primary care provider established in Ardmore, Oklahoma and his medical specialization is family medicine with more than 36 years of experience. He graduated from University Of Oklahoma College Of Medicine in 1986. The NPI number of Michael Carnahan is 1871607903 and was assigned on August 2006.
The following Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes were publicly reported as the top services rendered by this provider under the Medicare program for the year 2017. The reported codes are based on the top 5 codes for each available Medicare specialty, excluding evaluation and management codes.
Medicare hospital affiliation is identified through self-reporting data, inpatient, outpatient, physician and ancillary service claims linked by the Medicare claims NPI number and place of service code.
Additional identifier (s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider. The codes may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers.
The following 11 providers are registered at the same or nearby location.
What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider.