34 hours ago Patient Information. Welcome. We look forward to caring for you. In order to serve you better, we would like to offer the following information about how our office works. We appreciate your … >> Go To The Portal
If you have questions concerning your bill, please call Medorizon (our billing company) at (888)419-8176. If Medorizon requires information from our office to clarify that situation, they will contact us.
Collapse all | Expand all. Amy Van Dorfy, MD. Amy Van Dorfy, MD, is a board certified family physician and native Texan. She was born in Houston, Texas and attended The Kinkaid School. She then moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard College.
Live Oak Medicine draws routine labs in the office. Burnet County has no national lab draw stations. By contrast, draw stations such as those for Clinical Pathology Laboratory, LabCorp and Quest are common in Austin.
It is our preference for patients to have labs drawn during a visit at Live Oak Medicine. This gives the physician an opportunity to review current medications and previous labs, to tell the patient personally which labs will be drawn and to plan follow up. These visits are brief, and directed toward drawing the appropriate lab panel. The physician meets with the patient, a co-pay is collected, and an office visit is billed.
Your insurer likely has strong feeling about where you have blood drawn. Insurers usually have strong feelings about where blood is sent for processing even when drawn in the office. Know your lab benefits. Live Oak Medicine can send labs to CPL, LabCorp and Quest.
The American Medical Association helps doctors help patients by uniting physicians nationwide to work on the most important professional and public health issues.
Tap into the world's largest clinical community. UpToDate is an evidence based, peer reviewed information resource - available via the Web, desktop computer, and PDA.