legacy spine little rock ar patient portal

by Nelda Sipes 9 min read

Home - Legacy Spine & Neurological Specialists

27 hours ago Our Team Patient Portal Contact Pay Bill Get In Touch Contact us today to learn more about how Legacy Spine & Neurological Specialists can help. Quick Access to Key Services FOR PATIENTS Prepare for your appointment, refill medications, request your medical records, and pay your bill online. REFERRAL DOCTORS >> Go To The Portal

What is MyMy legacy Patient Portal?

Our Team Patient Portal Contact Pay Bill Get In Touch Contact us today to learn more about how Legacy Spine & Neurological Specialists can help. Quick Access to Key Services FOR PATIENTS Prepare for your appointment, refill medications, request your medical records, and pay your bill online. REFERRAL DOCTORS

Why choose legacy Brain&Spine Care?

8201 Cantrell Rd, Ste 265 | Little Rock, AR 72227 PH: (501) 661-0077 | FX: (501) 664-2749. LEGACY SURGERY CENTER 5800 West 10th Street, Ste 206 | Little Rock, AR 72204 PH: (501) 661-0910 | FX: (501) 537-7023

Why choose legacy therapy?

Patient Portal; Contact; Pay Bill; Our Specialists. Legacy Spine & Neurological Specialists ... We are honored to announce the addition of Dr. Maggio to our Legacy Spine & Neurological Specialists family. ... expertise will be a great asset to our clinic and his future patients. 8201 Cantrell Rd, Ste 265 | Little Rock, AR 72227 PH: (501) 661 ...

What can I do with MyMy legacy?

1. Patient Portal. You will be receiving a confirmation template to fill out 2–3 days prior to your procedure through our Patient Portal. Please look in your email on nextmd.com for that message when it arrives. 2. Phone. Call our phone line at (501) …


What is facet injection?

What is a facet injection? A facet injection is a minimally invasive procedure that meant to help patients with localized back or neck pain caused by inflammation of the spinal joints. Facet is another name for the joints in the spine. Like other joints in the body, arthritis can affect the numerous joints in the spine.

How long do you have to confirm an appointment?

It is very important for you to confirm that you are going to keep your appointment (office visits, procedures, physical therapy, outside testing, etc.) within 3 business days prior to your appointment.

Can arthritis cause pain in the spine?

Like other joints in the body, arthritis can affect the numerous joints in the spine. In fact, facet pain and is one of the most common causes of chronic spine pain. Facet injections involve a three-step process.

What is SNRB in MRI?

A selective nerve root block (SNRB) is a procedure done to help the surgeon determine the source of your leg or arm pain. There are many nerves in the cervical and lumbar spine and it is sometimes necessary to use more than an MRI, physical exam and symptoms that a patient is having to determine the cause of pain.

How to contact NextMD?

Please look in your email on nextmd.com for that message when it arrives. 2. Phone. Call our automated phone line at (501) 661-0077, choose option 3 for injections and answer the prompted questions. 3.

How long do you have to stop taking blood thinners before a procedure?

NSAIDS need to be stopped 3 days prior to your procedure and blood thinners need to be stopped 7 days prior to procedure. A list of common medications that need to be stopped are below.

How many injections of steroid are given?

Epidural steroid treatment usually involves a series of three injections, administered two weeks apart. This treatment may bring relief to many patients who suffer from pain caused by local inflammation, bulging discs, arthritis or degenerative disk disease.

Know Before You Go

Legacy has recently updated its intake and consent forms and need for all patients to complete them at the time of their next visit. Once completed, these forms will be good for a year, but we wanted to let you know you will be asked to complete it. You may also download, complete, and bring the forms with you to your next appointment.

Your Health Information Is Private, Secure, and Protected

To ensure that your private health information is safe from unauthorized access, the My Legacy portal is hosted on a secure connection. The application is accessed via an encrypted, password-protected login that only you have access to.

Corey Purdy

To be able to get the assistance that Legacy has really, truly made me comfortable and knowledgeable about SCI, Spinal Cord Injury.

Emily Crane

They say a lot of times that they treat you like family here, and it's true. They really became part of my family, I think I cried the day I was dismissed from my surgery care.
