6 hours ago Ithaca, New York 14850 Phone: 607-277-4341 Fax: 607-216-0918. Login to Online Patient Services >> ... Family Medicine Associates is committed to providing secure, quality service to all our … >> Go To The Portal
TREATMENT: Once you have established care with IthacaMed and have seen a provider, you may then call the office for care, e.g. prescription refills, orders, referrals, etc. We encourage use of the patient portal for routine refill requests and questions that don’t require an immediate answer.
Please also note that, to obtain assistance in navigating the Cayuga Medical Center patient portal, you may email mycayugahealthsupport@cayugamed.org or call 607-274-4314, option 7, M-F 8am – 4pm (closed weekends and holidays).
If you have not received this, you can follow the link on our website www.IthacaMed.com. Many of our resources are available on our website; we recommend you check there for forms, community resources and information, details about the practice philosophy and staff, and much more. PATIENT-CENTERED MEDICAL HOME
Family Medicine Associates is committed to providing secure, quality service to all our patients via the Internet using the services of our online communication portal providers, now Medent’s Patient Portal. Never used Patient Portal?
Please note: Results for COVID-19 and other tests performed by Cayuga Medical Center are available at https://mycayugahealth.cayugamed.org /.The staff who provide support for the CMA Patient Portal telephone number (provided below) cannot provide that information.
If you have questions regarding your physician bill, please contact: For Anesthesia Services: (607) 277-3790. For Imaging Services: ABC Accounts Manager
Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca For the best portal experience, use the MHealth mobile app. Download MHealth for free here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert If you are experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath, lower respiratory infection or have come in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19, or if anyone in your home has been placed in quarantine as a precautionary measure, please call your primary care provider to speak with one of our nurses who can evaluate your needs, which is very important ...
We welcome patient feedback and are constantly trying to improve our care and customer service. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call us at 607-277-0969.
IthacaMed is thrilled to follow the patient-centered medical home model. This model of care delivery places the needs of the patient at the center of the health care process.
MEDICAL EMERGENCY: In the event that you need urgent medical assistance after hours please call the after-hours emergency line at 1-866-295-4436. If you are having a true medical emergency please dial 911.
It is a ten-minute drive from the Cayuga Medical Center and from the Convenient Care Center in northeast Ithaca. There is a small parking lot behind the office for compact cars only and metered parking on the street. You will find our driveway on the left of the office, lined with bushes. This is the driveway to our parking lot.#N#DIRECTIONS:
Please contact us for written information about how to proceed if you have lost your insurance, or find the information on our website. We will do our best to help you get insurance, or point you toward expert resources.
We understand that hospital billing can be very confusing. We're here to walk you through the process, to answer your questions, and to help in any way we can.
Patients of the 200+ providers at Cayuga Medical Center, Schuyler Hospital, Cayuga Health Partners and Cayuga Wellness Center can use the telemedicin e service for medical and mental health services.
We understand that hospital billing can be very confusing. We're here to walk you through the process, to answer your questions, and to help in any way we can.
Patients of the 200+ providers at Cayuga Medical Center, Schuyler Hospital, Cayuga Health Partners and Cayuga Wellness Center can use the telemedicin e service for medical and mental health services.