11 hours ago Mar 07, 2014 · About Access My Records, Inc. AMR, a leading cloud-based patient portal solutions provider to the EHR/EMR markets and their patients, unveiled their redesigned ONC Meaningful Use Stage-2 2014 AMR Patient Portal 2.0 last week to HIMSS14 audiences with rave reviews for the new GUI (Graphical User Interface) and the company’s value-building approach … >> Go To The Portal
Mar 07, 2014 · About Access My Records, Inc. AMR, a leading cloud-based patient portal solutions provider to the EHR/EMR markets and their patients, unveiled their redesigned ONC Meaningful Use Stage-2 2014 AMR Patient Portal 2.0 last week to HIMSS14 audiences with rave reviews for the new GUI (Graphical User Interface) and the company’s value-building approach …
American Medical Response | AMR - The nations leading medical transportation company. We noticed you are using an out of date version of Internet Explorer. This website may not appear as it was designed unless you use an updated browser.
needs that truly sets AMR apart. We continually strive to deliver safe, compassionate care to patients while being highly responsive, consistently reliable and cost-eff ective for our nearly 4,000 healthcare facility partners. Doing so day in and day out, year-after-year, has made AMR one of the most respected
Patients . Local People, National Strength. Select a location. ... Healthcare Facilities; Medical & Security Services; Health Systems; Federal Disaster Response Team; Managed Transportation; Air Ambulance; International EMS; Interfacility Transportation; Onsite Health & Safety; ... AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE, AMR, and the associated logos are ...
AMR is a physician-led organization with clinical operations reporting to a chief medical offi cer who supports physician medical directors in each local market across the country . AMR’s continuous quality improvement (CQI) program is led by a full-time staff of physicians who are focused on ensuring our facility partners benefi t from the CQI program’s many innovations, including use of 12-lead EKG technology; the “Selection for Success” screening program that sets out rigorous evaluation standards for new clinical candidates; and AMR’s clinical data management system, which generates electronic patient care reports (ePCR) as well as automated data analysis. Physicians guide our operations because we are committed to providing the highest standards of clinical care and customer service in the medical transportation industry.
AMR off ers an innovative Leased Unit Hours option as an alternative means of pricing for intercampus transports that are normally billed on a fee-for-service basis . Under this model, an AMR ambulance or wheelchair unit may be leased per hour per unit, reserved by the facility in sets of multiple-hour blocks. The facility would lease a desired bank of hours per day and those AMR units would perform transports dedicated to the needs of the client’s patients, ultimately avoiding a per-trip charge and paying a fl at fee per hour. This option allows clients to have more control over local unit productivity and removes concerns with operating in the realm of “discounted” medical rates.
AMR is now the leading independent review organization that health plans partner with to meet their physician-level peer review needs. We set the industry standard in providing quality independent medical review services that are timely, clinically accurate and affordable.
Founded in 2004 by two physicians, Advanced Medical Reviews grew from an idea that every patient should receive quality healthcare. While our belief in quality healthcare has remained constant, our technological edge and client services have grown immensely since our founding.
Sundi Kelly loves what she does. She is a Patient Advocate with GMR who fights every day for her patients. She's been doing it for 20 years and still has thank you cards and letters from her first years on the job, which were sent by patients expressing their immense gratitude for all she does.
We are always looking for patient testimonials, if you would like to share your story, let us know.