patient portal

by Daren Walsh 6 min read

myCTCA Patient Portal | CTCA

25 hours ago The myCTCA portal is designed to allow secure communication. Do not share your myCTCA portal username or password. If you have technical issues with your my CTCA portal, call the help line 24/7 at 1-800-234-0482. This number is for technical issues only and not for medical-related questions. If you need emergency medical assistance, dial 911. >> Go To The Portal

Do you have a patient portal?

Yes we have a patient portal. You can schedule appointments, access lab results, request refills, view medical records, and send messages directly to your provider. You can learn more here.

Do you have the patient portal?

With patient portals, the first and foremost thing you will need is a computer and a working internet connection. Create a customized user’s account in the software to avail medical services on your own. Once you enter the patient portal, click on links and products sold by the provider and tap into a new experience.

How to help a cancer patient's caregiver?

9 Tips for Caregivers: How to Help a Loved One with Cancer

  1. Stay Organized. Keep a log: Write down any symptoms or problems in a notebook. ...
  2. Don't Forget the Basics. Sleep becomes a very valuable commodity! ...
  3. Remember to Breathe. Remember to take a few deep breaths every day. ...
  4. Consider Joining a Support Group. ...
  5. Go One Day at a Time. ...
  6. Practice Self-Care. ...
  7. Call On Your Network. ...
  8. Know Where to Turn. ...
  9. Enlist a Professional. ...

What is a patient care portal?

With a patient portal, you can:

  • Make appointments (non-urgent)
  • Request referrals
  • Refill prescriptions
  • Check benefits
  • Update insurance or contact information
  • Make payments to your provider's office
  • Complete forms
  • Ask questions through secure e-mail

Login To Access Your Healthcare Information

Already signed up for The CCK Patient Portal? Follow the link below to login to your account.

About The CCK Patient Portal

Fill out the Authorization Form in full detail and return to CCK staff. Please then look for an email from My Care Plus within approximately a week with instructions on how to access the link.

What is CTCA Chicago?

At CTCA Chicago, you are surrounded by a team of doctors focused on treating cancer, which allows you to explore cutting-edge options with a sense of urgency and a comprehensive, personalized approach. Our experts treat cancer with a wide range of standard-of-care and state-of-the-art tools and techniques.

What is CTCA mission?

At CTCA, our mission is to provide individualized, whole-person care to our patients, and our cancer experts understand the value of focusing on one specific cancer type. That's why CTCA has centers, programs and departments that bring together multidisciplinary teams of doctors and other clinicians with expertise in treating specific cancer types.

What is the most important decision you can make on your cancer journey?

One of the most important decisions you can make on your cancer journey is choosing which hospital, and which team of doctors, to trust with your care. In exploring your cancer treatment options, it may be helpful to know about issues like life expectancy and quality of life.