how to report someone other than patient giving history

by Miss Ericka Haley 10 min read

Credit for "obtaining history from someone other than patient"

15 hours ago  · from the patient should be documented." (emphasis by me) In your situations the history from the parents is the only history you have so you aren't really getting additional history. The fact most of your history is going to come from someone other than the patient in pediatrics is just the nature of the beast in my opinion. Laura, CPC, CEMC >> Go To The Portal

Can a doctor share patient information without permission?

Information in medical records is considered highly private and sensitive. But are there ever instances where a doctor may share patient information without their permission? It depends, but generally only under extraordinary circumstances.

Why do doctors discuss patient information with next of kin?

If the patient has suffered some traumatic injury and cannot make medical decisions for themselves, the doctor may discuss the patient's medical information with their next of kin. The family member will often need this information so they can make an informed decision about the next steps in medical treatment.

Can a doctor discuss a patient's condition with other people?

If the patient has a living will or a healthcare power of attorney, the doctor may only discuss the patient's condition with the people named in those documents. Even in cases not involving traumatic injuries, HIPAA allows doctors to share patient information and records with other health care providers as necessary for their health and treatment.

What should I do if my medical records have been exposed?

Consider taking the following two steps if you believe your private medical records have been improperly shared or exposed: Contact the person or entity responsible for the disclosure, ask them to retrieve the disclosed records, and request that whoever received them destroy their copies.


Can you share patient information with other doctors?

Yes. The Privacy Rule allows covered health care providers to share protected health information for treatment purposes without patient authorization, as long as they use reasonable safeguards when doing so. These treatment communications may occur orally or in writing, by phone, fax, e-mail, or otherwise.

Is all patient information confidential?

Essentially any information that is patient-identifiable, even the patient's address, is confidential and must be protected. Only when the patient has agreed may it be used or disclosed for specific purposes.

Can you post something about a patient even if you don't list their name?

Common examples of social media HIPAA compliance violations include: Posting verbal "gossip" about a patient to unauthorized individuals, even if the name is not disclosed. Sharing of photographs, or any form of PHI without written consent from a patient.

What are examples of HIPAA violations?

Here is the list of the top 10 most common HIPAA violations, and some advice on how to avoid them.Keeping Unsecured Records. ... Unencrypted Data. ... Hacking. ... Loss or Theft of Devices. ... Lack of Employee Training. ... Gossiping / Sharing PHI. ... Employee Dishonesty. ... Improper Disposal of Records.More items...•

What is considered confidential information in healthcare?

Confidentiality in the medical setting refers to “the principle of keeping secure and secret from others, information given by or about an individual in the course of a professional relationship,”1 and it is the right of every patient, even after death.

What is breach of confidentiality in healthcare?

A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without their consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.

Is telling someone about a patient a HIPAA violation?

Even if you mean no harm or don't think the patient will ever find out, it still violates the person's privacy. You'll always need to get a client's expressed consent when sharing anything that potentially exposes their protected health information (PHI).

Is disclosing a patient's name a HIPAA violation?

Patient names (first and last name or last name and initial) are one of the 18 identifiers classed as protected health information (PHI) in the HIPAA Privacy Rule. HIPAA does not prohibit the electronic transmission of PHI.

Is it a HIPAA violation if you don't say names?

Usually one draws on one's work life experience to describe characters in a book or relay an interesting tale. However, even without mentioning names one must keep in mind if a patient can identify themselves in what you write about this may be a violation of HIPAA.

What are the 4 most common HIPAA violations?

The 5 Most Common HIPAA ViolationsHIPAA Violation 1: A Non-encrypted Lost or Stolen Device. ... HIPAA Violation 2: Lack of Employee Training. ... HIPAA Violation 3: Database Breaches. ... HIPAA Violation 4: Gossiping/Sharing PHI. ... HIPAA Violation 5: Improper Disposal of PHI.

What are 5 HIPAA violations?

5 Most Common HIPAA Privacy ViolationsLosing Devices. ... Getting Hacked. ... Employees Dishonestly Accessing Files. ... Improper Filing and Disposing of Documents. ... Releasing Patient Information After the Authorization Period Expires.

What are the 3 rules of HIPAA?

The three HIPAA rulesThe Privacy Rule.Thee Security Rule.The Breach Notification Rule.

What happens when a patient brings a personal injury claim?

If the patient brings a personal injury or workers' compensation claim, in which his health is a major issue in the case, the doctor may come to court and testify about the patient's injuries.

What happens if a patient has a traumatic injury?

If the patient has suffered some traumatic injury and cannot make medical decisions for themselves, the doctor may discuss the patient's medical information with their next of kin. The family member will often need this information so they can make an informed decision about the next steps in medical treatment.

Do doctors have to keep medical records confidential?

Medical ethics rules, state laws, and the federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), generally require doctors and their staff to keep patients' medical records confidential unless the patient allows the doctor's office to disclose them.

Can health care providers share personal medical records?

However, health care providers generally can 't share personal medical information and records with providers who aren't involved in the patient's care, unless all personal identifiable information is removed. Thank you for subscribing!

Can a doctor share medical records without permission?

However, there are a variety of circumstances under which a doctor may share the information in medical records and personal medical information without permission from the patient. The following are some examples.

Is medical information considered sensitive?

Information in medical records is considered highly private and sensitive . But are there ever instances where a doctor may share patient information without their permission? It depends, but generally only under extraordinary circumstances.

Can a doctor use your health information?

Doctors can also use your health information if necessary to protect public health, such as reporting a flu outbreak. Doctors must also report suspected cases of child abuse, even when the child or parent don't expressly authorize the disclosure.

What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides individuals with the right to access their medical and other health records from their health care providers and health plans, upon request. The Privacy Rule generally also gives the right to access the individual’s health records to a personal representative of the individual.

Who is the personal representative of a deceased person?

With respect to deceased individuals, the individual’s personal representative is an executor, administrator, or other person who has authority under State or other law to act on behalf of the deceased individual or the individual’s estate.

Can a covered entity share information with a family member?

In cases where the individual is incapacitated, a covered entity may share the individual’s information with the family member or other person if the covered entity determines, based on professional judgment, that the disclosure is in the best interest of the individual . If the individual is deceased, a covered entity may make ...

Can a family member be a personal representative?

In cases where a family member may not have the requisite authority to be a personal representative, an individual still has the ability, under the HIPAA right of access, to direct a covered entity to transmit a copy of the individual’s PHI to the family member, and the covered entity must comply with the request, except in limited circumstances.

Can a deceased person make a disclosure?

If the individual is deceased, a covered entity may make the disclosure unless doing so is inconsistent with any prior expressed preference of the individual. These disclosures are generally limited to the health information that is relevant to the person’s involvement in the individual’s care or payment for care. See 45 CFR 164.510 (b).

What happens if you disclose medical records?

If your medical records have been improperly disclosed, you may be concerned about who has access to these records and the resulting breach of privacy. While your medical privacy is protected by law, you have to take action to enforce your rights. A local health care law attorney with experience in medical privacy matters can give you advice tailored to your specific situation and jurisdiction.

What information does a medical record include?

Medical records may include your medical history, family medical history, information about your lifestyle, past procedures, laboratory test results, prescribed medications, ...

How long does it take to file a HIPAA complaint?

To file a complaint with HHS, fill out a " Health Information Privacy Complaint " (PDF) form and file it within 180 days of the alleged act.

Can health insurance companies share medical records?

HIPAA and Medical Records. Health care providers, health insurance companies, and other entities involved in the administration of health care may not share personally identifiable medical information without your consent.

Is medical information considered confidential?

Your medical records are considered confidential information under federal privacy rules established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). But you may still become the victim of improper disclosure of medical records through a data security breach, the improper maintenance of records, ...
