how does resources like drug information portal, lab test online help improve patient care

by Eileen Boehm 8 min read

How Patient Portals Improve Patient Engagement

19 hours ago May 13, 2016 · May 13, 2016 - Patient portals are an online website that is connected to the EHR, centrally focused on patient access to health data. These tools give patients a look into various data points, including lab results, physician notes, their health histories, discharge summaries, and immunizations. While it is standard fare for patient portals to ... >> Go To The Portal

Can patient portals revolutionize how we receive lab results?

May 13, 2016 · May 13, 2016 - Patient portals are an online website that is connected to the EHR, centrally focused on patient access to health data. These tools give patients a look into various data points, including lab results, physician notes, their health histories, discharge summaries, and immunizations. While it is standard fare for patient portals to ...

Should clinicians add lab interpretation to Patient Portal notes?

Dec 02, 2021 · They’re able to check lab results, request prescription refills, update insurance information, manage any unpaid balances and more. Throughout this article, we’ll discuss what a patient portal is and how it can be beneficial for your health organization. Overview. Patient portals improve the way in which patients and health care providers ...

Do clinician notes help patients access lab results more effectively?

Dec 13, 2017 · Patient portals, among other things, have revolutionized how patients receive lab results and other medical information, the researchers from Baylor College of Medicine said. “Access to results provides an opportunity to foster patient involvement in care by preventing test results from being overlooked, a common patient safety concern,” the team wrote.

Do doctors see online lab results?

A high volume of lab test ordering occurs in the ambulatory care setting, where pre- and post-analytic processes occur (Figure 1). Communication gaps among providers and staff are major contributors to errors when handling lab tests, which place patients at risk. Many Primary Care offices are working to improve their laboratory testing


What is the importance of point of care testing?

Point-of-care testing (POCT) enables more rapid clinical decision making in the process of diagnosis, (rule-in or rule-out), treatment choice and monitoring, and prognosis, as well as operational decision making and resource utilization.Mar 1, 2018

How does telemedicine affect healthcare?

Telemedicine increases patient engagement by helping them maintain check-up appointments and care schedules. Virtual consultations also make it easier for patients to reach out to their physicians, report early warning signs or any health concerns, and follow through on their appointments.

How is telemedicine used in healthcare?

Telemedicine, which enables video or phone appointments between a patient and their health care practitioner, benefits both health and convenience. More health care providers are offering to “see” patients by computer and smartphone.

What is the purpose of the clinical laboratory?

The role of a clinical laboratory is to promptly provide highly reliable laboratory data to satisfy the needs of clinicians involved in medical practice and health maintenance of patients. Improvement and maintenance of the quality of the laboratory staff and environment are essential to achieve this goal.

How does telemedicine improve quality of care?

The use of telemedicine has been shown to allow for better long-term care management and patient satisfaction; it also offers a new means to locate health information and communicate with practitioners (eg, via e-mail and interactive chats or videoconferences), thereby increasing convenience for the patient and ...Mar 10, 2017

How would telehealth improve the quality of patient care patient outcomes and or patient satisfaction?

How Does Telehealth Improve Patient Outcomes: 4 Ways It Leads to Higher Satisfaction Levels1) Telehealth enables faster care delivery for better patient outcomes.2) It's easier on patient pocketbooks.3) It makes patients feel like they are the priority.4) It allows providers to see more patients.Nov 17, 2016

What are the benefits and advantages of telemedicine?

Telemedicine can lower healthcare costs, drive up efficiency and revenue, provide your patients better access to healthcare services, and ultimately get happier, healthier patients who stay in your organization.

How can we improve access to telemedicine in our healthcare system?

Examine current workforce or access gaps and consider ways to facilitate coverage through telehealth. Assess opportunities for allowing providers to practice across state lines, including reciprocity or joining interstate compacts.May 30, 2019

How can telemedicine improve patient engagement?

Telehealth helps improve patient activation by providing patients with tools to actively engage in their own health. It offers providers the tools to collaborate with their patients, and forge partnerships, as opposed to offering care at just one point in time.

What is the importance of physiology in clinical laboratory science?

Physiology is an experimental scientific discipline and is of central importance in medicine and related health sciences. It provides a thorough understanding of normal body function, enabling more effective treatment of abnormal or disease states.

How does molecular testing impact public health and or medical laboratory science?

Molecular tests for pathogens, such as RSV, rhinoviruses and influenza A and B, help physicians to identify the infections at early stages, select treatments, prevent further transmission, and reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing.Nov 1, 2011

What is laboratory and diagnostic care?

Lab tests and diagnostic procedures are tests used to check if a person's health is normal. For example, a lab can test a sample of your blood, urine or body tissue to see if something is wrong. A diagnostic test, like blood pressure testing, can show if you have low or high blood pressure.Feb 1, 2022

How to improve laboratory processes?

A critical component to improving laboratory processes is ensuring that it is a long term fix with a continuation of efforts from all staff. To ensure momentum is sustained with process improvement practices need to incorporate the use of evaluation and metrics. Metrics can provide staff with an aim to work towards and keep the staff informed. Metrics also provide ownership in the data being collected and the improvement being made within laboratory processes.

What is the purpose of the lab toolkit?

The goal of making this Toolkit available is to assist primary care practices in their efforts to develop performance/quality communication indicators for clinically important gap s in pre- and post-analytic lab medicine. It offers concise, actionable information and recommendations about how to improve your lab testing process. It also provides tools, guiding questions, examples, and links to additional resources.

How many lab tests are performed annually in the US?

Over two billion laboratory tests are performed annually in the US, predominantly in ambulatory care settings, with errors occurring in more than 20% of all tests - that’s 400 million errors each year. A high volume of lab test ordering occurs in the ambulatory care setting, where pre- and post-analytic processes occur (Figure 1). Communication gaps among providers and staff are major contributors to errors when handling lab tests, which place patients at risk. Many Primary Care offices are working to improve their laboratory testing processes and there is a compelling need to develop performance metrics that will help to understand what impact improvement efforts have in primary care settings.

What are the metrics in laboratory testing?

Metrics not only provides data about whether the improvement worked, but also gives evidence to staff and providers that there work is valuable, can make a difference, and helps to sustain their momentum. You might think about measuring pieces of process like:

What is process mapping?

Process mapping can be a useful management tool for creating a visual representation of the laboratory testing process in your practice—basically, a display of the sequence of events involved in a process. Process mapping is an established and simple technique for streamlining work, helping to make implicit steps of a complex process both visible and clear. Perhaps the most important step in process mapping is to use the map to drive the discussion around what can be fixed, how it can be fixed, and how the process will look when it is fixed.

Order Lab Tests Online

Why would you order lab tests online? Why wouldn’t you simply do what you’ve always done, which is t...

Getting Tested with Online Lab Tests

Having your health is important, and one of the first steps to ensuring you’re in good health is by getting recommended blood lab tests and to ensure you receive the adequate healthcare you deserve when directed by your medical health professionals.

Affordable Blood Work Labs

We work with the largest lab companies to offer you more than 300 commonly ordered blood tests to ensure that you are able to get the tests you need in a timely manner while keeping your health a priority when times are tough.

What is lab testing?

1. Pre-screen for health issues. Lab tests are designed to screen and identify specific indicators of certain illness and diseases. Other tests can provide general health information that can help you have more control over your personal health.

How many people have allergies in the US?

Health monitoring can help you become aware of indicators that lead to major health complications. 47.5 %. 47.5% of people who think they have allergies get tested.

Is it scary to do a test at home?

Testing doesn’t need to be scary or complicated. From food allergies to fertility, makes at-home testing easy by providing you with in-depth health testing guides and resources. It should be simple for you to determine which tests you need to make the best health decisions.

What did Laura Devitt do when she had her two kids?

As she herded her two young sons into bed one evening late last December, Laura Devitt flipped through her phone to check on the routine blood tests that had been performed as part of her annual physical. She logged onto the patient portal link on her electronic medical record, scanned the results and felt her stomach clench with fear.

Who is Lidia Schapira?

Breast cancer specialist Lidia Schapira is an associate professor at the Stanford University Medical Center and editor-in-chief of, the patient information website of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Did Maria Esparza have cancer?

Two weeks after Esparaza left the hospital and a week after the report appeared on her portal, one of her doctors confirmed that she didn’t have cancer after all. “It was really traumatic and the one time I wish I hadn’t had access,” said Esparza, an advocate for the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.

Do hospitals have portals?

But in the past few years, hospitals and medical practices have urged patients to sign up for portals, which allow them rapid, round-the-clock access to their records. Lab tests (with few exceptions) are now released directly to patients. Studies estimate that between 15 and 30 percent of patients use portals.

Why are portals so complicated?

A big issue for many users is that portals are simply too complicated for at least two opposite kinds of users: those who have low computer literacy, and those who are so computer savvy that they expect the simplicity of an Uber or Instagram app to get a test result or appointment with a click or two.

Is the portal concept slow?

Acceptance of the portal concept continues to be slow, especially within physicians’ offices and small to middle size hospitals. Though these providers implemented portals via their Meaningful Use / MIPS incentives, portals are often not treated as a central communications tool. Patient engagement? Yes…a laudable objective for policymakers — but many physicians already lament the deep cuts in their daily patient schedule that have been created by complex EHR-related obligations. The added work of portal interaction has been the opposite of a pot-sweetener, despite touted financial benefits.
