hospital survey on patient safety culture 2009 comparative database report

by Celia Weimann 7 min read

Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2009 …

25 hours ago Based on data from over 600 U.S. hospitals, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2009 Comparative Database Report provides initial results that hospitals can use as benchmarks in... >> Go To The Portal

What is the AHRQ Hospital Survey on patient safety culture?

This annually released report of the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture comparative database presents benchmarking data for safety culture from 653 hospitals nationwide, including trending data on changes in safety culture perception over time for more than 300 hospitals.

What is the SOPs™ Hospital Survey?

In 2004, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) released the Surveys on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS™) Hospital Survey for providers and other staff to assess patient safety culture in their hospitals. Since then, hundreds of hospitals across the United States and internationally have implemented the survey.

What is included in the Guide to the hospital survey?

The Guide includes information on getting started, selecting a sample, determining data collection methods, establishing data collection procedures, conducting a web-based survey, and preparing and analyzing data, and producing reports. Learn more about SOPS-approved supplemental item sets for the Hospital Survey.

What are SOPs-approved supplemental item sets for the hospital survey?

Learn more about SOPS-approved supplemental item sets for the Hospital Survey. The SOPS program offers resources to assist survey users, including an Action Planning Tool, Data Entry and Analysis Tool, Improvement Resources, SOPS Bibliography, and frequently asked questions.

What is SOPS in healthcare?

In 2004, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) released the Surveys on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS ®) Hospital Survey for providers and other staff to assess patient safety culture in their hospitals. Since then, hundreds of hospitals across the United States and internationally have implemented the survey. In 2019, AHRQ released a new version, the SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0. The original survey—Version 1.0—is still available; however, the use of Version 2.0 is encouraged.

Is the SOPS survey still available?

In 2019, AHRQ released a new version, the SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0. The original survey—Version 1.0—is still available; however, the use of Version 2.0 is encouraged.