greater austin psychiatry patient portal

by Deven Medhurst 4 min read

GAPW Patient Portal — Greater Austin Psychiatry

17 hours ago Greater Austin Psychiatry & Wellness, 5424 West US Highway 290 Service Road, Austin, TX, 78735, United States (512) 430-1130 Powered by Squarespace >> Go To The Portal

How to use spruce?from

Spruce allows you to: 1 Securely communicate with your provider and/or clinic staff regarding scheduling, billing, clinical questions, or refill requests. 2 Connect with your provider via telemedicine

What is the number to call Greater Austin Psychiatry?from

Take the first step to help. Call Greater Austin Psychiatry & Wellness now - (512) 643-9763

How long do you have to fill out a new patient form?from

All new patient forms must be completed 24 hrs before your appointment. If the forms are not completed in a timely manner your appointment will be cancelled.

Can you telemedicine with Spruce?from

For telemedicine appointments, please be sure you are logged into your Spruce account at the time of your appointment.

Is mental illness a choice?from

At Greater Austin Psychiatry & Wellness, we understand that mental illness does not define who you are. Much like patients diagnosed with Hypertension or Diabetes, mental illness is not a choice, but a medical condition benefiting from treatment. We believe in considering the entire person, as each aspect is intimately interconnected and relevant to the whole. We offer medication management and wellness services.

Can Genetic Testing Predict A Patient’s Response To Medications?from

A question we hear, that comes up often in our Austin clinic. Can Genetic Testing Predict A Patient’s Response Medications? Another question comes up too. Is genetic testing better for a company like or 23&Me and their bottom lines than your emotional well being? Let dig into this a bit further.

How does Pondworks work?from

Here at Pondworks, outpatient psychiatry works because our team of providers. This is becasue we ALL work together as a team. Our founder, Bernard Kim, MD heads the clinic and demonstrates his commitment to the highest level of outpatient care available. Thats because when you look for a psychiatrist in Austin you are looking for the highest level of training. That high level of education can be found to take care of your mental health. Most importantly y ou want to find your mental health team and an Austin psychiatrist committed to teamwork. Unfortunately, the number of people looking for appointments with psychiatrists exceeds the number available to care for you. Long wait times for initial appointments become the “new normal”. Therefore, this puts a lot of pressure on making a relationship with the psychiatrist work even when it may not be the greatest match.

Why is it harder to fall asleep?from

That time diminishes, the more your sleep debt goes up. When you decrease that sleep debt by taking a nap, the potential to lie in bed at night, thinking anxious thoughts that are making it harder to go to sleep grows. That makes it harder to fall asleep, contributing to your delayed sleeping time.

What is the first building block of great sleep?from

The first building block to great sleep is setting your anchor point.

How to stop the cycle of online diagnosis?from

One other thing one can do to stop the cycle of online diagnosis is to create distractions for yourself. When you feel that urge coming on, do something different that will help you. Things such as physical activities, like running and riding your bike are fantastic distractions to help you elevate your mood and get yourself out of your mind.

How does gratitude help you?from

Gratitude reduces the stress hormone cortisol by over 20%. Research conducted at the University of California, Davis found that those who worked daily to express their appreciation and gratitude openly experienced higher moods, energy levels, and physical energy and health. Sometimes even during bouts of stress! It’s highly likely that their lower cortisol levels played a significant role in this.

How to reduce stress and increase productivity?from

If you want to reduce your stress and increase productivity, you must recognize your weaknesses and ask for others fo help, or just someone to listen to you. Something as little as talking about your fears will help you overcome them. Often its other people can see a solution that you can’t because they’re not emotionally investing in your situation.#N#Remember that everyone has someone who is in their corner and cheering for their success. These people will be ready to help you figure out a difficult life situation when it arises. Make sure you know who these people are in your life and make a real effort to ask for their insight and assistance when you need it most.

Patient Portal

All Integrative Psychiatry Austin patients receive an email invitation to our secure Patient Portal.

Order Supplements

The choice of where to buy the supplements Dr. Javed prescribes is completely up to you. You can buy many of the supplements we prescribe from any quality compounding or natural pharmacy.

How to contact Gapw?from

If you are an established patient of GAPW please log-in to one of the following for assistance. You can also contact the office at phone at 512-430-1130.

How to use spruce?from

Spruce allows you to: 1 Securely communicate with your provider and/or clinic staff regarding scheduling, billing, clinical questions, or refill requests. 2 Connect with your provider via telemedicine

How many adults are allowed to make an in-office appointment?from

For in-office appointments, only one adult will be allowed to enter the office, with the exception of minors. In-person appointments are available on a limited basis upon request, prior approval, and will be at the discretion of each practitioner.

When are new patient forms due?from

All new patient forms must be completed 24 hrs before your appointment. If the forms are not completed in a timely manner your appointment will be cancelled. Payment is due when services are rendered. Please contact the office for payment options.

Can you telemedicine with Spruce?from

For telemedicine appointments, please be sure you are logged into your Spruce account at the time of your appointment.
