fully armored patient portal

by Noemie Larkin I 8 min read

Secure Patient Portal | TRICARE

16 hours ago Fully Armored Family . Health And Fitness. 755 W. Carmel Drive Suite 150. Carmel, IN. 46032. Off. 317-810-1399. Fax. 317.810.1391 >> Go To The Portal

What is the secure patient portal?

The Secure Patient Portal is a secure system designed to help you manage your individual or family health care online. Using these online systems, you can: Make appointments Cancel/reschedule appointments

When will I be able to log on to the patient portal?

While patients may be able to log on to the Patient Portal and explore it during the weeks leading up to the transition to MHS GENESIS, the Patient Portal will not be active until September 7, 2019.

What is the MHS Genesis patient portal?

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website for 24/7 access to your health information, including managing appointments and exchanging messages with your care team.



At Fully Armored Ministries, we are dedicated to teaching young boys and men acceptable standards of social behavior by supporting them through our various initiatives. We teach them how to start, grow and nourish various relationships based on a foundation of respect, cooperation and collaboration.

Activities for the Mind, Body and Soul

We focus on activities that result in healthy lifestyles while raising awareness of opportunities for young men that can lead to purposeful and productive lives.

What are the chief benefits of MHS GENESIS?

MHS GENESIS is the first Department of Defense-wide electronic health record to be used by all military treatment facilities. By the time that MHS GENESIS is fully implemented throughout all of the DoD, patients will be able to receive care from any military treatment facility knowing that their health records will follow them.

How is MHS GENESIS different from CAL MED's current electronic health record systems?

Like all Army military treatment facilities, CAL MED currently uses several electronic health record systems for inpatient records, outpatient records, emergency room records, and other areas of care. While care teams can view patients' records in the different systems, this requires extra time to navigate all of the records.

What will I notice about what's new with MHS GENESIS?

The primary difference that patients will notice is the Patient Portal. While receiving care at MTFs which use MHS GENESIS, patients will no longer use RelayHealth and Tricare Online except for limited functions, such as requesting new providers.

When will I be able to start using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal?

While patients may be able to log on to the Patient Portal and explore it during the weeks leading up to the transition to MHS GENESIS, the Patient Portal will not be active until September 7, 2019.

When patients move, will their new military treatment facilities be using MHS GENESIS?

The Department of Defense has a multi-year plan for all military treatment facilities to transition to MHS GENESIS. CAL MED is in the second wave of military treatment facility to transition to MHS GENESIS.
