9 hours ago Lab Services - FOSSIL CREEK FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER, P.A. Lab Services CONTACT US PATIENT PORTAL SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT For convenience, we have a full-time, on-site, … >> Go To The Portal
If you need urgent medical assistance, call 911. If you need a response from the office within 24 hours, please call the office. It may take two to three business days to receive a response to any FollowMyHealth communication with the office.
Retrieve and manage your health information online anywhere, anytime with your computer, tablet, mobile device or smart phone with Family Medical Center’s new patient portal, FollowMyHealth™. If you’re a patient of Family Medical Center, you can use FollowMyHealth to review your medical information online and communicate with your Family Medical Center office. This is a FREE service provided by Family Medical Center. In order to create your account, you’ll need an invitation code (usually the last four digits of your social security number). Please contact our office to enroll and receive your invitation email.
Refill requests made through the portal can take 24 to 48 hours to process. After that time, call your pharmacy to verify they have received notification from your physician. Requests can still be made by calling your pharmacy.
FollowMyHealth should never be used for urgent medical matters. If you need urgent medical assistance, call 911.
You may see medications that have been prescribed by physicians other than a Family Medical Center physician, such as a specialist. Prescription refills can only be requested on medications that have been prescribed by your physician or one of their partners.
The Follow My Health website is secure and configured in such a way that hackers cannot access the information.
If you do not specify a timeframe, the office may schedule the appointment based on physician availability. Appointments cannot be scheduled, cancelled or rescheduled on the same day.
The RWJBarnabas Health Patient Portal is a free service that provides convenient access to your personal health care information in a secure online environment. With the patient portal, you can view select test results, access your medical records and track your health information.
To enroll in the patient portal, you must receive services at one of our locations. To create an account, you may self-enroll here. Alternatively, you may contact the location where you received care and tell them you would like to make an account. Registration requires an email and a valid ID.
All messages sent to your provider’s office are transferred via a secure server compliant with HIPAA standards.
RWJBarnabas Health is in the process transitioning all of our hospitals to a centralized patient portal called MyChart where all hospitals’ records will eventually be contained within one system for your convenience. Please be assured that you will always have access to your medical records.
At the hospital patient portal, you can access read-only medical information through our secure server. This includes educational materials, information on your current medications, allergies, immunizations, health issues, and lab test results. All information is pulled directly from your electronic health records. Due to the sensitive nature of radiology and pathology test results, these are not available on the patient portal and must be obtained through the hospital’s Health Information Department.