flood family patient portal

by Riley Paucek 9 min read


13 hours ago Our patient center lets you engage in your care at your convenience. Leveraging the latest medical technology, our partner, AthenaHealth©, provides you with some powerful tools for … >> Go To The Portal

Why choose Flood family Medical Center?

Flood Family Medical Center offers comprehensive family health care with an emphasis on overall risk reduction in disease burden. Unlike many primary care physicians, our experience with many endocrine and metabolic disorders gives our clinic an advantage.

What is the patient portal for Family Practice Center?

FPC Patient Portal The Family Practice Center, PC, Patient Portal provides secure access to portions of your medical record and allows easy and convenient communication with our practice. So that we can provide this service without compromising your private information, no one will have access to your personal portal account except you.

What can I do with the patient portal?

You can request appointments, review labs, and more. This patient portal allows you to handle your needs in a hassle free and secure manner. Dr Flood is chief medical officer of Flood Family Medical Center.

How do I sign up for Family Medical Center’s online account?

This is a FREE service provided by Family Medical Center. In order to create your account, you’ll need an invitation code (usually the last four digits of your social security number). Please contact our office to enroll and receive your invitation email.


Who is Dr. Flood?

Dr Flood is chief medical officer of Flood Family Medical Center. Originally from Prairieville, LA, Dr Flood completed her undergraduate training at University of New Orleans with a degree in Bachelors of Science. After graduating in 2000, she later attended medical school in the United Kingdom and completed her medical school degree in 2007. Dr Flood completed her residency training at Baton Rouge General Family Residency Program in 2010. She is board certified in Family Medicine.

Where does Dr Flood live?

Dr Flood is married with two children and resides in Ascension parish where she is originally from. She has a passion for animals and keeps multiple dogs and two horses. She enjoys quality time with her family, traveling and attending sporting events.

How long does Athena Health have access to my medical records?

Our integration with Athena Health will allow you to have access to your medical record 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week whereby you can request refills, ask questions, make appointments, review labs, etc.

What is a patient focused primary care practice?

We are a patient focused primary care practice that addresses the primary care needs of patients within our community. We strive to be a leader for innovative medical practices and emphasize the importance of personalized patient care for you.

What is electronic medical record?

Our new innovative and integrated electronic medical record system allows patients to take ownership of their healthcare record. This patient portal allows convenient conversing with clinicians and staff to help handle your needs in a time efficient, hassle free and secure manner.

View Upcoming Appointments

While all scheduling will be done directly through your PT, you may login to your account at anytime to view your upcoming appointments, print them out, receive or change appointment confirmations and reminders.

Manage Your Documents

Complete and upload all necessary intake forms and documents. Upload any relevant medical imaging reports, medication lists, physician’s referrals, and previous exercises. Your files will be stored securely in this HIPAA-compliant platform for your PT to review and reference.

Pay Your Bills And Download Superbills

Bills may be paid via credit/debit card directly through your PtEverywhere account. If you plan on submitting your physical therapy bills to your insurance company for possible reimbursement, we are happy to provide you with electronic itemized invoices detailing the services provided (“superbill”) that you may download at your convenience.

Secure Telehealth Platform

Hectic day at the office? Last minute change of plans in your schedule? Currently out of town and need to check in with your PT? More comfortable with maintaining social distance at the moment? Using the secure HIPAA-compliant virtual telehealth platform, you can perform your physical therapy or personal training session from anywhere with a good internet connection..

Access Home Exercise Program

No more losing exercise sheets or sifting through numerous emails to remember what you’re supposed to be doing between sessions.

Track Your Progress & Update Your PT

Effective communication is paramount to your success. Using secure in-app messaging and subjective data tracking, you may report information such as sleep duration/quality, energy levels, mood, and pain levels as often as you’d like. Of course, you may always call or email your PT if you prefer.


Our goal is to make our patients as comfortable as possible in their time of distress. At Flood Family Medical Center, we offer a cozy reception area that is designed to eliminate discomfort and provide maximum support to keep our patients as content as possible while they eagerly await our capable services.


We believe that without high quality care, we have no happiness nor any satisfaction. This is why we place our standards of care as top priority and will not stop short until the best is obtained for our patients and their health.

If You Have Questions

For questions, call 706.509.3236 or email ​to reach a patient portal service representative. ​ ​

Online Bill Pay

We offer a secure, online bill pay portal. You can access your billing account or make a payment fast with our quick pay option. Pay Now

Have a portal question?

Visit our FAQs to learn more about the Floyd portals. If you don't find the answer to your question in our FAQs, our portal service representatives are available by phone or email Get Help

How to retrieve health information from Family Medical Center?

Retrieve and manage your health information online anywhere, anytime with your computer, tablet, mobile device or smart phone with Family Medical Center’s new patient portal, FollowMyHealth™. If you’re a patient of Family Medical Center, you can use FollowMyHealth to review your medical information online and communicate with your Family Medical Center office. This is a FREE service provided by Family Medical Center. In order to create your account, you’ll need an invitation code (usually the last four digits of your social security number). Please contact our office to enroll and receive your invitation email.

How long does it take to get a response from FollowMyHealth?

If you need urgent medical assistance, call 911. If you need a response from the office within 24 hours, please call the office. It may take two to three business days to receive a response to any FollowMyHealth communication with the office.

Is Follow My Health secure?

The Follow My Health website is secure and configured in such a way that hackers cannot access the information.

FPC Patient Portal

The Family Practice Center, PC, Patient Portal provides secure access to portions of your medical record and allows easy and convenient communication with our practice. So that we can provide this service without compromising your private information, no one will have access to your personal portal account except you.

Patient Portal Authorized Representatives

For Patients Who Are Minors: Due to federal and state confidentiality laws, patients who are between the ages of 14 and 17 are not required to disclose certain types of medical information to parents/legal guardians.
