example of patient portal information

by Shany Mitchell 10 min read

What is a patient portal? | HealthIT.gov

16 hours ago example of patient portal information; ... For example, clinical information includes the services provided, medications or tests ordered, type of report, and location of care. can be divided into administrative, demographic, and financial information. Most hospitals still use paper-based forms to some extent. >> Go To The Portal

5 Examples of Healthcare Portals That Improve the Patient Experience

  1. Stay Connected = Higher Patient Engagement. One of the top-rated aspects of patient portals is the ability to stay...
  2. Preventive Care = Lower Costs. Adjusted for inflation in today’s age, it’s probably worth several pounds! It’s no...
  3. Easy Billing Access = Faster Payments. Let’s face it: bill...

Viewing health information (e.g., lab results or clinical notes) Viewing bills/making payments. Checking prescription refills/requests. Filling out pre-visit forms (e.g., intake form)Jul 24, 2019

Full Answer

How to create your patient portal?

email and create an account on Sadio, the patient portal. Once the link has been opened, the email address will be verified. 2) The system will prompt you to create a username, password, and enter your date of birth.

How to access patient portal?

Access Patient Portal. Click Settings > Patient Portal . The Patient Portal Dashboard page launches in a web browser. An alternate way to access the Patient Portal is to: Open a web browser and type portal.kareo.com in the address bar. Click For Doctors on the bottom. The Patient Portal landing page opens. Click Sign in on the upper right.

How to achieve patient engagement with a patient portal?

  • Of this amount, $ 18-21 thousand would be spent on EHR integration.
  • Security reinforcement and compliance could total to $ 5,000 to $15,000.
  • Appointment scheduling functionality could easily add up $5,000 to $15,000 to the final estimate.
  • A basic live chat supporting media file exchange will cost you $15,000 to $30,000.

More items...

What is an epic patient portal?

  • ▪ You can email back and forth with your doctor if you don’t necessarily need an appointment.
  • ▪ I like the fact that I could, rather than calling and running the risk of a note being taken wrong or misunderstanding what I said, it’s there. ...
  • ▪ …it’s a faster and better way to communicate with my doctor about things. ...


What information can be accessed through a patient portal?

The features of patient portals may vary, but typically you can securely view and print portions of your medical record, including recent doctor visits, discharge summaries, medications, immunizations, allergies, and most lab results anytime and from anywhere you have Web access.

What information is excluded from a patient portal?

However, it also had to exclude behavioral health, protected minor visits, research records, business records, and other sensitive record content. The portal automatically downloads or excludes documents based on type or provider, says Meadows, who helped solidify a process for integrating the portal with the EHR.

What types of data are included in a patient portal and PHR?

What information goes into a PHR?
  • Your doctor's names and phone numbers.
  • Allergies, including drug allergies.
  • Your medications, including dosages.
  • List and dates of illnesses and surgeries.
  • Chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure.
  • Living will or advance directives.
  • Family history.
  • Immunization history.

What must be done when creating a patient portal?

4 Steps to Successful Patient Portal Adoption, Integration
  • Outline clinic or hospital needs, goals.
  • Select a patient portal vendor.
  • Create provider buy-in.
  • Market the patient portal to end-users.
Jun 6, 2017

Which of the following forms of information are considered clinical information?

For example, clinical information includes the services provided, medications or tests ordered, type of report, and location of care. can be divided into administrative, demographic, and financial information. Most hospitals still use paper-based forms to some extent.

How is a patient portal different from a personal health record?

The Portal is controlled by the source system (EMR/EHR/Hospital). On the other hand, the Personal Health Record (PHR) is more patient centric, is controlled by a patient or family member, and may or may not be connected to a doctor or hospital (i.e. it may be tethered or untethered).Sep 6, 2012

What is included in personal health information?

Protected health information (PHI), also referred to as personal health information, is the demographic information, medical histories, test and laboratory results, mental health conditions, insurance information and other data that a healthcare professional collects to identify an individual and determine appropriate ...

What are three personal health records?

personal health record (PHR)
  • Information about visits to healthcare professionals.
  • Allergies.
  • Family history.
  • Immunizations.
  • Information about any conditions or diseases.
  • A list of medications taken.
  • Records of hospitalization.
  • Information about any surgeries or procedures performed.

What is the purpose of patient portal?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as: Recent doctor visits.Sep 29, 2017

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?
  • Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.
  • Con: Healthcare data security concerns.
  • Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.
  • Con: Difficult patient buy-in.
  • Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.
Feb 17, 2016

What are the advantages of patient portals to the patient and to the healthcare facility quizlet?

The patient portal supports two-way communication, which allows the patient to work with physicians between patient visits, request appointments, and receive reminders. These reminders can be for appointments, need for follow-up, and more.

What are the disadvantages of patient portals?

As with any written communication, portal messages can be misinterpreted. When patients have more access to the same lab results as providers, they can worry over ranges that may be label as ‘high’ but are not really a problem. Security risks.

What is portal in EHR?

In the EHR model, the portal is an extension of a vendor’s core electronic health record system. A Healthcare organization will usually launch the portal at the same time or shortly after the activation of the core EHR. Most of the data that patients see when they log into the portal is only from that organization’s system.

How long does it take for EHR to provide timely access to patient information?

Measure 1: More than 50 percent of all unique patients seen by eligible providers during the EHR reporting period are provided timely (available to the patient within 4 business days after the information is available to the provider) online access to their health information.

What are the advantages of a vendor-dependent portal?

1) Clinics who can’t afford or don’t want to pay for a vendor-dependent portal can still get the functionality they need, 2) Patients who seek care from multiple providers can aggregate their health data into one portal.

What is a progress note in a medical chart?

The progress note is written in medical terminology, and is not directed toward the patient.

What is interoperability in healthcare?

Vendors are well aware of this limitation and are working towards providing the ability to bring in data from other Healthcare organizations. This is referred to as interoperability. It is however a work in progress, and various vendors and Healthcare organizations are at different stages.


Patient portals improve the way in which patients and health care providers interact. A product of meaningful use requirements, they were mandated as a way to provide patients with timely access to their health care. Specifically, patient portals give patients access to their health information to take a more active role.

Primary Benefits

No matter the type of platform you choose, your patient portal can provide your patients with secure online access to their medical details and increase their engagement with your practice. And not to mention that it does so while providing several benefits for health care providers as well. Some of these benefits include:

Notable Challenges

While many people have used a patient portal by now, they have mixed reviews at best. As you can see in the section above, there are plenty of benefits that patient portals provide. But unfortunately, their potential has yet to be fully harnessed.

Emerging Trends

If patient portals are a mixed bag, why should the patient portal receive greater consideration in the EHR, EMR and practice management selection processes? Because when you look at current industry trends, patient portals are well on their way to improving. Some of these trends include:

How to Use a Patient Portal

With patient portals, the first and foremost thing you will need is a computer and a working internet connection. Create a customized user’s account in the software to avail medical services on your own. Once you enter the patient portal, click on links and products sold by the provider and tap into a new experience.

Solution Evaluation

Now that you know what a patient portal is and given the potential and growing importance, how should you evaluate the best portal for your practice or facility? You can select a standalone patient portal that a third-party vendor commonly hosts through the cloud as a health care provider.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that using a patient portal software can provide several benefits for your medical practice. After accounting for these nine considerations, you should be ready to start using a patient portal. The only decision left to make is which platform you’ll use.

How do patient portals empower consumers?

When used effectively, patient portals can empower consumers by enabling active management of their own care. However, we know little about how patient portal use fits into the broader personal health information management (PHIM) practices of various groups, such as older adults.

How old are Portal users?

Portal users ranged in age from 61 to 93 years , and most lived independently in a private residence (60%) and had college education or higher (67%). Although portal nonusers were similar in age, fewer were college educated (53%) and more lived in retirement or assisted living facilities (74%).

Why is it important to understand consumer health information?

Important to the success of the consumer health movement is accurate, accessible, and understandable health information to assist with treatment and health decisions . Older adults are the largest consumers of health care and expend the greatest proportion of US health care dollars.

What is patient portal?

One of the top-rated aspects of patient portals is the ability to stay connected. Patients often say when it comes to their health records, accessibility is key. With a portal, they can easily access a variety of health-related information, including appointments, test results, and prescription history. Parents of younger children especially enjoy the ease of being able to access their child’s health history as well as quickly message their care team anytime, anywhere.

Why is billing through patient portals important?

Provider benefit: Billing capabilities through patient portals benefit providers in a few ways. Because the system is automated, it can help streamline bookkeeping workflows. It also takes out the manual step of having to send multiple paper reminders, if patients opt for electronic-only correspondence.

Why do we need portals?

Portals make it easy for patients to take an active role in their healthcare, from preventive screenings to treatments. This allows providers and their teams to be able to better manage their patients’ care. They can quickly respond to messages electronically, so needs can be addressed without long waits.

What can a parent access through a portal?

With a portal, they can easily access a variety of health-related information, including appointments, test results, and prescription history. Parents of younger children especially enjoy the ease of being able to access their child’s health history as well as quickly message their care team anytime, anywhere.

Do patients get information from portals?

Yes, patients receive a lot of helpful information, but they may prefer it in bite-size bits. Patient portals can help make this information more manageable. By logging into their health portal, patients can access articles and educational items suggested to them by their provider or healthcare team.

Does every healthcare provider have a patient portal?

It seems that these days, every healthcare provider has a patient portal offering online access to medical records, the ability to schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, and more. It’s become a must-have, but it’s also a value–add for both patients and providers.

Why do we need portals?

Other reasons to implement a portal include: To foster better patient-physician relationships: Portals offer a round-the-clock platform on which both parties can conveniently exchange health information, ask questions, and review medical notes—providing more opportunities to connect.

What is a highlight in healthcare?

Highlight: Allows patients to send messages from the portal to the healthcare provider in a safe and secure manner. Provides patients with a convenient alternative to face-to-face appointments, telephone contact, letters, and e-mails to send messages.

Do patients have to provide email addresses?

Collect patients’ email addresses: Patients usually have to provide their email address to register for access to your portal. If you start collecting addresses early in the implementation process, you’ll be able to hit the ground running once the portal goes live.

What is the purpose of a dental consent form?

The Dental Clinic and the Dentist have the responsibility to educate the patient about the procedure he/she will undergo and thoroughly explain how the patient will benefit from it. This is the goal of the Dental Consent Form. This amazing General Dental Consent Form contains form fields that ask for patient information, details about the dental procedure, and acknowledgment waiver.

What is a professional counseling consent form?

A Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form is a document provided by the counseling service to their clients in order to properly acquire consent from them treatment for mental health. The form contains information about the services and the agreement to be made by the counseling service and the client. By having this document, it also helps inform of the risks, limitations, and benefits of the treatment. This Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form is a direct and simple form for clients who wish to receive therapy, which may be used by the counsel for reference. It serves as a reference for the therapist in informing his or her client of the client's rights and what to expect in the sessions.

What is a patient portal?

A patient portal is an electronic Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant communication channel between patients and their providers. With the use of the internet, a patient portal gives patients the ability to interact with their medical information.

What is the most important benefit of patient portal?

The most important benefit the patient portal provides is that it helps meet the Stage 2 requirement of Meaningful Use. One criterion of Stage 2 Meaningful Use is that more than 10 percent of all patients must have timely access to their health information within four business days.

Is patient portal good?

However, with proper motivation and real understanding of the benefits the patient portal can provide, more people will start using it. Given the widespread usage of technology, it is time to take advantage of the patient portal and positively change the way healthcare is delivered.



Primary Benefits

Notable Challenges

  • While many people have used a patient portal by now, they have mixed reviews at best. As you can see in the section above, there are plenty of benefits that patient portals provide. But unfortunately, their potential has yet to be fully harnessed. Some patient portals are hard to access, poorly designed, cumbersome to navigate and limited in utility. These downfalls make it …
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Emerging Trends

  • If patient portals are a mixed bag, why should the patient portal receive greater consideration in the EHR, EMR and practice management selection processes? Because when you look at current health care technology trends, patient portals are well on their way to improving. Some of these trends include:
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How to Use A Patient Portal

  • With patient portals, the first and foremost thing you will need is a computer and a working internet connection. Create a customized user’s account in the software to avail medical services on your own. Once you enter the patient portal, click on links and products sold by the provider and tap into a new experience. Set up the portal according to ...
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Solution Evaluation

  • Now that you know what a patient portal is and given the potential and growing importance, how should you evaluate the best portal for your practice or facility? You can select a standalone patient portal that a third-party vendor commonly hosts through the cloud as a health care provider. This approach can result in incompatibility issues with your EMR and/or EHR system, r…
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Final Thoughts

  • It’s clear that using patient portal software can provide several benefits for your medical practice. After accounting for these considerations, you should be ready to start using a patient portal. The only decision left to make is which platform you’ll use. Consider taking a look at our Top Medical Software Comparison or build your own requirements checklistto give yourself an idea of what t…
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