ems patient care report oregon

by Makenna Hoeger 3 min read

Oregon EMS Information System (OR-EMSIS)

29 hours ago  · Oregon Senate Bill 52, passed during the 2017 legislative session, mandates that transporting emergency medical services (EMS) agencies begin posting patient care reports electronically to a statewide database starting Jan. 1, 2019. OHA offers access to Oregon EMS Information System (OR-EMSIS) at no cost to all EMS agencies, regardless of what ... >> Go To The Portal

EMS agencies

Emergency medical services

Emergency medical services, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services which treat illnesses and injuries that require an urgent medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care. They may also be known as a fi…

in Oregon submit their patient care reports (PCRs) to a state system managed by the Oregon Health Authority. If a patient is transported, EMS personnel record the destination to which they transported when they complete their PCR.

Full Answer

Are non-transporting EMS agencies required to report patient encounter data?

Non-transporting EMS agencies that choose to voluntarily report patient encounter data and wish to receive hospital outcome data will be required to comply with the rules promulgated. Ambulance service agencies that have difficulty in obtaining necessary reporting software may request a temporary waiver from the Authority.

How will electronic patient records (EPCRs) be supported after EMS?

Instead, hospitals will be able to access electronic PCRs (or ePCRs) for agencies who have transitioned to the new standard. In general, this transition is expected to better support patient transfer and care to healthcare facilities after EMS transport by providing a timely and uniform summary of the patient care status.

What is a patient care report?

A patient care report is a document written by medical professionals to report about the patient’s wellbeing, care and status. This document consists of the result of the assessment and the evaluation of the patient being done by the EMTs or the EMS.

What is the emergency medical services and Trauma Systems program?

The Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems Program develops and regulates systems for quality emergency medical care in Oregon. This ensures that EMS Providers are fully trained, that emergency medical vehicles are properly equipped, and emergency medical systems are functioning efficiently and effectively.


How do I write a patient care report in EMS?

EMS providers just need to pull the information together and write it down in a way that paints a picture....Follow these 7 Elements to Paint a Complete PCR PictureDispatch & Response Summary. ... Scene Summary. ... HPI/Physical Exam. ... Interventions. ... Status Change. ... Safety Summary. ... Disposition.

When should patient care report be completed?

A PCR documents care provided to a patient before they arrive at the hospital. The PCR forms are provided by NYS DOH and are to be completed at the end/during patient care. Documentation is an essential part of all pre-hospital care.

What is included in a patient care report?

Assessment: observations, primary impression, presumptive diagnosis. Rx (Treatment): medications and fluids administered. Transport: Information about where and how patient was transported, condition during transport, communication with receiving facility, and details of handoff at ED.

What is a EMS report?

The primary purpose of EMS documentation is to provide a written record of patient assessment and treatment that can help guide further care. For the information to be readily understood and communicated, it must be organized in a format that all healthcare providers involved in patient care will understand.

What is a PCR document?

The PCR documentation is considered a medical document that becomes part of the patient's permanent medical record. It is also considered a legal document in cases where liability and/or malpractice issues arise. It is the source in which all medical billing claims are based.

How do you write PCR?

How to Write an Effective ePCR NarrativeBe concise but detailed. Be descriptive in explaining exactly what happened and include the decision-making process that led to the action. ... Present the facts in clear, objective language. ... Eliminate incorrect grammar and other avoidable mistakes. ... Be consistent and thorough.

How do you write a patient report?

III. Patient case presentationDescribe the case in a narrative form.Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation).Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials).Describe the patient's complaint.List the patient's present illness.List the patient's medical history.More items...•

What is EMS documentation?

First and foremost, EMS documentation serves a vital clinical purpose. It is the record of your assessment and care of patients. It becomes part of the patient's medical record, both at the receiving facility and within your EMS organization.

What does soap mean in EMS?

Subjective, Objective, Assessment and PlanIntroduction. The Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan (SOAP) note is an acronym representing a widely used method of documentation for healthcare providers. The SOAP note is a way for healthcare workers to document in a structured and organized way.[1][2][3]

What is an EMS patient?

Emergency Medical Services, more commonly known as EMS, is a system that provides emergency medical care. Once it is activated by an incident that causes serious illness or injury, the focus of EMS is emergency medical care of the patient(s).

What is an EMS PCR?

Patient Care Report (PCR): An electronically generated form that is a component of a PCRS that is utilized by EMS Field Personnel to document and transmit patient care events at the time of service. IV.

When you document information on a patient that you treat and care for this written report is called the?

When you document information on a patient that you treat and care for. This written report is called the: Patient care report, run report.

What is the Oregon Medical Board's temporary rule?

The Oregon Medical Board permanently adopted the temporary rule that provides flexibility in the scope of practice for EMS providers during periods of a declared emergency. The rule provides needed flexibility only under the standing orders of the supervising physician and protocols established by the State EMS Medical Director or designee.

When will ambulance service agencies come into compliance?

The rules are effective January 1, 2018 and ambulance service agencies will have until January 1, 2019 to come into compliance. Prehospital Patient Care Reporting Rule Changes.

What is the OAR number for temporary administrative order?

For more details, please see the following Temporary Administrative Order, including the Statement of Need and Justification and the full text of these temporary rules: OAR 333-255-0060 - Temporary Administrative Order.

What is Oregon Administrative Rules?

The Oregon Health Authority has permanently amended Oregon Administrative Rules in chapter 333, divisions 250, 255 and 265 relating to compliance with Governor's executive orders, ambulance construction criteria, and requirements for ambulance vehicles on reserve or loan.

When will ambulance standards be implemented?

At the request of stakeholders, the Authority delayed implementation of the new vehicle construction standards as well as the adoption of new remount standards until July 1, 2022.

How to report hospital outcome in EMS?

To report hospital outcome information, select a PCR and then select “Outcomes” in the toolbar.

What is a PCR in Oregon?

EMS agencies in Oregon submit their patient care reports (PCRs) to a state system managed by the Oregon Health Authority. When the state system receives a PCR, it makes it available to the hospital listed as the destination in the PCR. (The PCR is only available to the hospital if the EMS agency uploads the PCR to the state system and correctly records the hospital as the destination.) Hospital staff can use the state system to retrieve PCRs for all patients delivered to their hospital. Hospital staff can also report hospital outcome information for a PCR, and the state system makes that information available to the EMS agency that submitted the PCR.

What is the system used to retrieve PCRs?

The system for hospitals to retrieve EMS PCRs is ImageTrend Hospital Hub™. Hospitals do not need to purchase or install any software to use it. Hospital staff can access Hospital Hub at this location:

What Is a Patient Care Report?

We often hear of care reports based on by medical teams or by medical authorities. Yet, we are not sure how this differs from the kind of report that is given to us by the same people. So this is the time to make it as clear as possible.

How to Write a Patient Care Report?

Where do you even begin when you write a patient care report? A lot of EMS or EMTs do know how to write one since they are trained to do so.

What is a patient care report?

A patient care report is a document made mostly by the EMS or EMTs. This documented report is done after getting the call. This consists of the information necessary for the assessment and evaluation of a patient’s care.

What should not be written in a patient care report?

What should be avoided in a patient care report is making up the information that is not true to the patient. This is why you have to be very careful and very meticulous when writing these kinds of reports. Every detail counts.

Who is in charge of reading the patient care report?

The person or the people who will be reading the report are mostly medical authorities. When you are going to be passing this kind of report, make sure that you have all the information correctly. One wrong information can cause a lot of issues and problems.

Paper Patient Care Report (PCR)

Here is an example of two versions of print out, paper PCR you can download and use in your service.

Electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR)

The state of Alaska provids a free ePCR (Electronic Patient Care Report) system allowing communities to customize their run report forms to match their specific community needs.
