emed patient portal

by Lisa Nicolas 5 min read

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14 hours ago SharedDoc - patientportal.emedpractice.com >> Go To The Portal

Why choose EMED primary care clinic?

SharedDoc - patientportal.emedpractice.com

What can I do in the patient portal?

eMedicalPractice offers a patient portal application for practices to send out following each appointment. Implementing this feature can dramatically decrease the time a patient spends in the waiting room, enhancing the patient/physician relationship and expediting workflow. Patients can be registered at any time by requesting an application.

How do I contact the emedny call center?

P: (904) 513-3240 F: (904) 398-7871 2624 Atlantic Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32207

Where is EMED located in Florida?

Attention: New Provider Enrollment Portal Coming Soon to eMedNY Beginning in Spring 2022, New York State (NYS) Medicaid practitioners will have access to a new Provider Enrollment Portal, developed by the NYS Department of Health (DOH) and eMedNY.


What is a patient portal?

The patient portal can be used to request an appointment, update patient demographic information, receive reminders for yearly exams, view previous visits and statements and make payments using a credit card or check. Patients can also access their labs results, shared clinical documents and clinical summaries.

What is eMedicalPractice?

eMedicalPractice offers a patient portal application for practices to send out following each appointment. Implementing this feature can dramatically decrease the time a patient spends in the waiting room, enhancing the patient/physician relationship and expediting workflow.

When will the DME 2021 fee schedule be updated?

The 2021 DME Procedure Code Manual, 2021 DME Fee Schedule, and DME Policy Manual have been updated for July 1, 2021. Any changes reflected in the manual are effective for dates of service beginning July 1, 2021.

When will the Medicaid pharmacy transition to 2022?

The FY 2022 Enacted Budget delays the transition of the Medicaid pharmacy benefit by two years, until April 1,2023. Future information will be forthcoming. March 24, 2021. Attention: Webinars for the Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) for Medicaid Fee for Service (FFS) Enteral Product Authorizations.

When will the Nurse Practitioner Modernization Act be extended?

The Nurse Practitioners Modernization Act of 2014 has been extended beyond its original sunset date of June 30, 2021 to a new date of June 30, 2022.
