11 hours ago Dr. Brad Mccollom, Do practices Neurosurgery in Sebastian, FL - USA. You can find the phone number, practice website, location and reviews of Dr. … The Patient Help Blog >> Go To The Portal
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Dr. McCollom frequently treats Low Back Pain, Radiculopathy (Not Due to Disc Displacement), and Herniated Disc. See all procedures and conditions D...
Dr. McCollom's office is located at 1420 Sw Saint Lucie West Blvd Ste 103, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986. Find other locations and directions on Healt...
Dr. McCollom has not yet indicated whether they offer telehealth services. Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility.
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Dr. Mccollom graduated from the Western Univ Health Sci College of Osteopathic Medicine of The Pacific in 1997. He works in Port Saint Lucie, FL and 16 other locations and specializes in Neurosurgery.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
Dr. Brad McCollom, DO is a Neurosurgery Specialist in Port Saint Lucie, FL and has over 28 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Jamestown College Jamestown Nd medical school in 1993. He is affiliated with Sebastian River Medical Center. He is accepting new patients. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. McCollom to book an appointment.
Dr. Brad McCollom, DO generally accepts new patients on Healthgrades. You can see Dr. McCollom's profile to make an appointment.
Dr McCollom is very pleasant and concerned about his patients
Dr McCollom is always polite punctual and pleasant. My boyfriend and I have been seeing him for a couple years now and have always been very happy and felt Dr McCollom has helped with both our neck problems
Dr. Brad E Mccollom, DO is a doctor primarily located in Port Saint Lucie, FL, with other offices in Sebastian, FL and Fort Pierce, FL ( and 15 other locations ). He has 25 years of experience. His specialties include Neurosurgery.
The overall average patient rating of Brad E Mccollom is Great. Brad E Mccollom has been rated by 38 patients.From those 38 patients 13 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Brad E Mccollom is 3.9 of 5.0 stars.
A neurological surgeon is a physician who surgically treats disorders of the nervous system, which is comprised of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.In addition to treating trauma of the head and spine, these doctors also treat disorders like epilepsy, aneurysms, hydrocephalus, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal disc herniation, and spinal disease.Neurological surgeons can perform surgical procedures on the brain, such as stereotactic surgery, microsurgery, endoscopic surgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, and endovascular image guided methods..
After initial appointment, Dr McColloms office failed to submit my referral for PT for several severe back injuries. I called the office several times and no response. When I showed up to my follow up appointment, I was left waiting over an hour. The nurse had previously mentioned they didn’t have my MRI file because of a computer issue.
I have not seen Dr. McCollom in a couple of years because I do not live full time in Florida. When I last saw him he gave me a complete workup of my problem, and made a disc for me to keep with me. I put Dr. McCollom at the top of Neurological Surgery. He is highly respected and I highly recommend him.
He has operated on me twice and was very satisfied with his ability and his personality .I've recommended him to many of my friends who absolutely loved him.
Dr. Mccollom graduated from the Western Univ Health Sci College of Osteopathic Medicine of The Pacific in 1997. He works in Port Saint Lucie, FL and 16 other locations and specializes in Neurosurgery.
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Dr. Brad E. McCollom DO (he/him) is a neurosurgeon in Sebastian, FL. He is rated 1 out of 5 by patients on CareDash and has received an overall patient experience rating of 3.1 out of 5.
Dr. McCollom has not provided a way to schedule online. However, you can chat with our Virtual Assistant to get help finding a doctor.
Our records indicate that Dr. McCollom accepts the following insurance providers. Please verify this information directly with Dr. McCollom, since it may change frequently and vary by office location. He may also accept additional insurance plans not listed here.
As a neurosurgeon, Dr. McCollom may see patients with the following 22 conditions. Please always check with Dr. McCollom directly about what conditions he treats, since he may treat additional conditions not listed here.
Neurosurgeons are surgeons who specialize in surgical diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, which affect the brain and spine, and the nerves that connect to them.