elite medicine patient portal tupelo, ms

by Ms. Alanis Kertzmann 5 min read

Elite Medical | A New Level of Healthcare

31 hours ago WebPATIENT INFO; PATIENT PORTAL; CONTACT US; Select Page. WELCOME TO A NEW LEVEL OF HEALTH CARE. Elite Medical is committed to providing individualized comprehensive, … >> Go To The Portal

Why choose elite medical?

Elite MEDICAL. ​At Elite Medical we are committed to providing individualized, comprehensive, quality health care to patients of all ages. Our goal is to serve as your primary source of healthcare by addressing all of your wellness, prevention, acute and chronic medical needs.

Who is elitecare family medicine?

Kevin O. Miller, MSN, NP-C, founded EliteCare Family Medicine in 2014. A lifelong resident of North Mississippi, Miller is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to his patients. He completed his Masters of Science in Nursing as well as his undergraduate nursing studies at Mississippi University for Women.

How do I pay my North Mississippi Medical Center Gilmore-Amory Bill?

Please note that there is a different payment process for North Mississippi Medical Center Gilmore-Amory. North Mississippi Health Services offers online bill pay for your convenience. These options are a quick and secure way to pay your bill anytime, anywhere. To pay by mail, send your payment in the return envelope that came with your bill.


How many beds does North Mississippi Medical Center have?from nmhs.net

North Mississippi Medical Center, a 640-bed regional referral center in Tupelo, holds the distinction of being the largest, private, not-for-profit hospital in Mississippi and the largest non-metropolitan hospital in America.

Who provides FollowMyHealth?from cc.nih.gov

FollowMyHealth ® is provided by Allscripts LLC. Allscripts is responsible for the portal's operation and security, and Allscripts' terms-of-use govern the use of the portal. Whether or not you sign up for a FollowMyHealth® portal, it not will not impact your care at the Clinical Center and you can always request your medical records directly from the Clinical Center's Health Information Management Department. If you sign up for and/or use the portal, you are giving NIH permission to share portions of your updated medical record (in identifiable form) with Allscripts to populate your FollowMyHealth® portal account.

What is Mississippi Sports Medicine?

Mississippi Sports Medicine has supported young athletes of Mississippi through providing athletic trainers and orthopaedic surgeons in partnership with MHSAA and MSAIS State Championship events.

What is Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center?

Mississippi Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center covers events by providing Athletic Trainers and Orthopaedic Surgeons for the athletes giving them the best shot and the highest and full performance within their sport.

How long is the ACGME accredited training program?

We train other physicians. We offer two Advanced Surgeon Training Programs. Our advanced training is an ACGME accredited 12-month program that trains physicians from all over the country in all areas of sports medicine surgical practice.

How many coaches are there in Mississippi sports medicine?

Mississippi Sports Medicine has trained over 500 coaches and staffs annually with CPR training to support student athletes.

Is Mississippi Sports Medicine perioperative?

The Surgery Center at Mississippi Sports Medicine has an exceptional perioperative team! These compassionate and hardworking individuals care for our patients before, during, and after surgery. We are so thankful for each and every one of them! Thank you for your commitment to patient safety and ensuring high-quality care. * * * * #PerioperativeWeek #PerioperativeNursesWeek #MSMOC #MississippiSportsMedicine #TheSurgeryCenter #OrthopedicSurgery

Online Bill Pay

North Mississippi Health Services offers online bill pay for your convenience. These options are a quick and secure way to pay your bill anytime, anywhere.

Financial Assistance

To learn about financial assistance options for NMHS patients visit https://www.nmhs.net/patient-family-information/financial-assistance/.

Request an Estimate

Call (662) 377-4211 to request a price estimation for future hospital stays.
