35 hours ago Heritage Valley OB/GYN - Beaver. 1000 Dutch Ridge Road Floor 0 Beaver, PA 15009 . Phone: 724.843.0737 >> Go To The Portal
She works in Beaver Falls, PA and 2 other locations and specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dr. Youngdahl is affiliated with Heritage Valley Sewickley and Heritage Valley Health System Beaver.
Dr. Youngdahl Palecek works in Grand Rapids, MN and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Youngdahl Palecek is affiliated with Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital. Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently. Almost done!
Youngdahl Palecek is affiliated with Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital. Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently. Almost done! We’ve sent you a verification email – please click the link in the email to confirm your email address.
Dr. Paula Youngdahl, MD generally accepts new patients on Healthgrades. You can see Dr. Youngdahl's profile to make an appointment.
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Dr. Youngdahl frequently treats Ovarian Cysts, Menopausal and Postmenopausal Disorders, and Osteopenia. See all procedures and conditions Dr. Young...
Dr. Youngdahl's office is located at 2620 Constitution Blvd, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.
Dr. Youngdahl speaks French and English. View profile to see all.
Dr. Youngdahl has not yet indicated whether they offer telehealth services. Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility.
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Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.
Dr. Paula Youngdahl, MD is a Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist in Beaver Falls, PA and has over 36 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated... Read more
Dr. Youngdahl is affiliated with the following hospital. Select the hospital below to learn more.
Dr. Youngdahl graduated from the Perelman School of Medicine At University of Pennsylvania in 1985. She works in Beaver Falls, PA and 3 other locations and specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dr. Youngdahl is affiliated with Heritage Valley Health System Beaver and Heritage Valley Sewickley.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
Dr. Paula S. Youngdahl is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with Heritage Valley Health System-Beaver. She received her medical degree from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Obstetricians/gynecologists (OB-GYNs) specialize in the woman's reproductive tract, pregnancy and childbirth.
Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.
Dr. Youngdahl Palecek works in Grand Rapids, MN and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Youngdahl Palecek is affiliated with Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.