dr. krishna chalasani neptune nj patient portal

by Prof. Mack Reichel MD 3 min read

Dr. Krishna K Chalasani, MD - Neptune, NJ

25 hours ago Dr. Krishna Chalasani is an endocrinologist in Neptune, New Jersey and is affiliated with Jersey Shore University Medical Center. She received her medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine and has been in practice between 3-5 years. >> Go To The Portal


Dr. Krishna Chalasani is an endocrinologist in Neptune, New Jersey and is affiliated with Jersey Shore University Medical Center. She received her medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine and has been in practice between 3-5 years.


Endocrinologists treat disorders of the hormone-secreting glands that regulate countless body functions. These ailments include diabetes, thyroid ailments, metabolic and nutritional disorders, pituitary diseases, menstrual and sexual problems.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.


Dr. Krishna Chalasani, MD is a endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism specialist in Neptune, NJ. She currently practices at JERSEY SHORE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER and is affiliated with Jersey Shore University Medical Center. She accepts multiple insurance plans. Dr. Chalasani is board certified in Internal Medicine.

Patient Satisfaction

Dr. Chalasani is awesome!!!! She is the only doctor I have seen that can control my diabetes AND my thyroid. She is down to earth, answers questions and will spend a lot of time with you. She also has a wonderful sense of humor.

Medical Licenses

Dr. Krishna K Chalasani has primarily specialised in Endocrinology for over 10 years.

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Krishna Chalasani is an internal medicine provider established in Neptune, New Jersey and her medical specialization is internal medicine (endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism) with more than 10 years of experience. The NPI number of Krishna Chalasani is 1427314202 and was assigned on April 2012.

Hospital Affiliations

Medicare hospital affiliation is identified through self-reporting data, inpatient, outpatient, physician and ancillary service claims linked by the Medicare claims NPI number and place of service code.

Other Providers at the same location

The following 20 providers are registered at the same or nearby location.

NPI Footnotes

What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider.
