29 hours ago Sep 06, 2021 · Doctor-Patient-Portal Doctor-Patient-Portal is a windows application made using swing java as front-end and Mysql database for the back-end development of the project. Author Aranshu Bansal Screenshots Main Window Signup Window Login Window Installation Run the project using Eclipse IDE Download the source folder (i.e. DoctorPatientPortal). >> Go To The Portal
Sep 06, 2021 · Doctor-Patient-Portal Doctor-Patient-Portal is a windows application made using swing java as front-end and Mysql database for the back-end development of the project. Author Aranshu Bansal Screenshots Main Window Signup Window Login Window Installation Run the project using Eclipse IDE Download the source folder (i.e. DoctorPatientPortal).
Aug 29, 2014 · Using this web Online Doctor System applications, patients will able to fill online form in just few seconds before entering to the virtual office room. It will also enable you to upload your lab results such as x-ray copies, health history etc which can be viewed by your referred doctors. Existing System.
Enter y or n"); if (s.nextLine ().toLowerCase ().equals ("y")) ctr=999; } while (ctr==999); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return p; } public Patient addPatient () { Patient p=new Patient (); try { System.out.println ("Enter Name:: "); p.setName (s.nextLine ()); System.out.println ("Enter Address:: "); p.setAddress (s.nextLine ()); System.out.println ("Enter Age:: "); p.setAge (Integer.parseInt …
Jun 20, 2011 · Hospital Management Java Project is developed using java technology and make use of database at the back end to store details such as patients details, doctors details, nurse details, appointment details and scheduling appointments for doctors. This makes Hospital Management task easy with reliability.
Download Online Medical Management System Project in Java with Source Code, Database, Project Report, Documentation, and ppt
The site should have proper users’ profile management and registration.
This is a final year project/semester project in Java. Being a web-based project, it provides a platform for online appointment between doctor and patient. You can access the full project report, documentation, project files and Java source code of Online Medical Management System from the download link/button in this post.