32 hours ago 5616 Brainerd Rd Suite #208 Chattanooga, TN 37411 (423) 265-3561 Directions & Office Hours >> Go To The Portal
Easy and private access to medical information online. Central Florida Endocrine & Diabetes Consultants, PA is now offering our patients easy and private access to their medical information online, so you can view your personal health records whenever and wherever you have access to the Internet!
We offer a Patient Web Portal through Eclinical Works for our patients. Through the use of this secure web portal, patients will be able to communicate with our office more efficiently. Patients may obtain a username and password at the time of their next office visit. For security reasons, they cannot be given out over the phone.
A: Once you have logged into the patient portal, simply select the "Appointments" tab and follow the instructions on the screen. Appointment requests are generally handled the same business day so there is no need to call our office. You will receive a notification via the portal and/or a phone call once your appointment has been scheduled.
Alan Dresner, M.D. Endocrinologist Dr. Dresner is a board certified Endocrinologist. He attended Emory University for his medical degree, Einstein medical Center for his Residency and Yale University for his Fellowship in Endocrinology.
Are you tired of being blamed for poor control when you don't have the tools or understanding to do any better? Like any of us, you are a human with unlimited potential; our mission is to help you feel your best, live long and well, able to pursue your personal goals with strength, endurance and resilience that matches your determination. At UDEC you'll find the resources, support and ongoing education needed to become and remain well.
We understand that many of our patients may be fearful of viral infection, with media reports of increased risk to people with diabetes. For persons with very poor blood glucose control, mortality risk is increased for any viral infection, including influenza. Better control of diabetes reduces risk from any infection.
Osteoporosis is a condition marked by weak and brittle bones. It is a silent disease until you experience a fracture.
The pituitary gland is often referred to as the control center of the endocrine system (“master gland”). This is because it controls and regulates the functions of several other endocrine glands within the body.
Diabetes is a high sugar (glucose) level in your blood. It is often diagnosed in people without symptoms, but classic symptoms are feeling very thirsty, urinating frequently, and losing weight despite eating high quantities of food.
The adrenal glands are two small structures that sit on top of the kidneys, deep in the back, behind the abdominal cavity and well beneath the back muscles. Although they are small, usually weighing each about a tenth of an ounce, they are powerful factories that produce many hormones that are critically important ...
Endocrinology is the specialty of medicine that treats hormone abnormalities. Hormones are substances in the blood that regulate various body and organ functions. Examples include: diabetes, the thyroid, cholesterol and triglycerides, the adrenal gland, the pituitary growth regulation, osteoporosis and male and female hormones.
Diabetes Educator. The role of the diabetes educator is to provide diabetic patients the management skills necessary to care for themselves, through planned learning experiences designed to help educate you and your support team on healthy behavior resulting in healthy outcomes.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a disorder of sugar and fat regulation usually caused by a relative or complete lack of insulin. Diabetes affects the young and old, the overweight and normal weight, males and females, and all races. It is a serious disorder, that if properly treated, complications affecting many parts of the body can be delayed ...
Q: How do I change my password? A: Once you have logged into the patient portal, simply select the "Settings" tab and change your password . You will be prompted to enter your current password, your new password, and a new password verification.
A: Absolutely. A user account and password are required in order to access the patient portal; furthermore, all data transmitted through the patient portal is encrypted for your safety.