dech patient portal

by Mireya Langworth 4 min read

Down East Community Hospital - Community Hospital ...

17 hours ago Hospital Portal Login. If you were seen at the Reid Emery Building, Milbridge Medical Center, Arnold Memorial Medical Center, Women’s Center, Pediatrics, or Orthopedics, click here: >> Go To The Portal

How do I sign up for the mydch portal?

Hospital Portal Login. If you were seen at the Reid Emery Building, Milbridge Medical Center, Arnold Memorial Medical Center, Women’s Center, Pediatrics, or Orthopedics, click here:

What can I do with patient portals?

Vis itation Restrictions Enacted to Protect Patient’s Safety. Machias - Due to the high numbers of respiratory illness and the recent news that Maine has experienced its first confirmed case of COVID-19, Down East Community Hospital and all its provider practices in Machias, Jonesport, and Milbridge have implemented visitor restrictions.

Are there any apps that connect to the patient portal?

Patient Portal You are about to access some of your personal health information from DCH Health System. Although we are making this information available to you electronically, the reports may contain information and language that is difficult to understand and could even create some confusion about its possible clinical significance.

How do I complete a self-enrollment request for mydch?

*Required fields are marked with an asterisk. ... ...


How to keep yourself healthy?

· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. · Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Do you have to wear a mask in the hospital?

If you are exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory infection, and must be at the hospital, please wear a mask. If you are exhibiting symptoms and need to come to the Emergency Department or visit your provider, call ahead so the caregivers can make the necessary preparations for your arrival.
