data on patient encounters report

by Mrs. Itzel Kirlin V 4 min read

Encounter Data | Medicaid

5 hours ago  · Patient-specific analytics reports from Data Diagnostics can help address these and other concerns. Before, during, and after: opportunities for enhancing the patient encounter. >> Go To The Portal

The Patient Encounter report contains the following information: ● Header information: o     Line of Business o     Office Number o     Patient ID o     Patient Name

Full Answer

What is a patient's encounter?

Encounter:A contact between a patient and a provider who has primary responsibility for assessing and treating the patient at a given contact, exercising independent judgment. A patient may have multiple encounters per visit. Outpatient encounters include scheduled appointments and walk-in unscheduled visits. A clinician’s telephone

What is the encounter data information survey?

Encounter Data Information Survey This survey is used to gather information regarding the MCO’s Encounter Data, and the MCO’s processing of Encounter Data in preparation for an onsite systems review. Please complete the following survey, and return it by the due date.

What is the impact of encounter data reporting in Michigan?

For example, encounter data reporting in Michigan is factored into qualifications for bonus payments made to plans, which are taken from withholds. Michigan and some states also consider the MCO track record in encounter data reporting when deciding which plans are eligible for auto-assignment of beneficiaries.

What is Medicaid encounter data?

What are Medicaid encounter data? Encounter data are the records of services delivered to Medicaid beneficiaries enrolled in managed care plans that receive a capitated, per-member-per-month payment. These records allow the Medicaid agency to track the services received by members enrolled in managed care.


What is NHCS data?

This report examines characteristics of IP and ED AD encounters as a demonstration of the capabilities of NHCS data. NHCS provides a unique opportunity to study the health care utilization of patients with specific conditions, and the care and services they received. In addition to the diagnostic and physical services received, NHCS data include information on ICU and observation unit use. This allows for a full picture of service utilization, including the number and types of encounters.

What is UB 04?

The UB–04 is the administrative claim required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and most commercial payers. The UB–04 claims contain physician and patient identifiers and data on patient demographics, diagnoses, procedures, and revenue codes. Using UB–04 claims data presents the challenge of deduplication of claims, because one discharge or ambulatory encounter can have multiple claims.

What is the purpose of individual identifiers?

The collection of individual identifiers allows for analyses of the number of IP or ED encounters per patient, and for analyses related to IP or ED AD encounters and mortality with linkage to NDI.

Is an ED record duplicated?

Emergency department (ED) encounters that were admitted as an inpatient (IP) did not have a separate ED record, therefore the IP record was duplicated in the ED file . To prevent overcounting services provided, services on the duplicated ED records are only counted in the IP setting.

What is the edit option in PCE report?

The report edit option allows your site to specify which clinics in file #44 represent "Emergency Room" clinics, and what Lab tests from file #60 should be used for looking up patient data for Glucose, Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and HBA1C lab results. These fields are used by the reports Caseload Profile by Clinic, and Patient Activity by Location. To get a printout of current definitions in the PCE Parameters fields for these fields, use the PCE HS/RPT Parameters Print.

What is a patient care encounter?

Patient Care Encounter lets you add information, edit information, or add a new encounter to a patient's database. When you enter the program through the PCE User Interface described in this manual, you first view a list of encounters for a patient (by appointment). Appointments are provided to the PCE program by the Checkout process of the Scheduling package.

What is PCE device?

PCE Device Interface, which supports the collection of encounter form data from scanners such as PANDAS, Pen- based TeleForm , and Automated Information Collection System (AICS). The interface also supports workstation collection of outpatient encounter data.

What is online data capture?

Online data capture in which Scheduling integrates with PCE to collect checkout information. PCE data is collected in CPRS through Reminder Dialogs and Encounter Forms.

What do you enter when you choose Immunization under Update Encounter?

When you choose Immunization under Update Encounter, you will also be prompted to enter the Dose, Units, Route of Administration, Site of Administration, Lot Number, Ordering Provider, Encounter Provider, Series, Reaction, Repeat Contraindicated, Administered Date and Time, and Comments.

What is PCE in healthcare?

Patient Care Encounter (PCE) helps sites collect, manage, and display outpatient encounter data (including providers, procedure codes, and diagnostic codes) in compliance with the 10/1/96 Ambulatory Care Data Capture mandate from the Undersecretary of Health.

Where are actions on PCE?

"Actions" are the choices listed at the bottom of the PCE screens (follow ing the shaded bar) which you can select, either to edit or add to the appointments or encounter shown in the top part of the screen, or to see a different view of that information.
