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The Arizona Department Of Health Services, located in Phoenix, AZ, monitors public health risks, coordinates Phoenix agencies responding to public health threats, and enforces Arizona public health standards. As a Department of Public Health (DPH), the department works to prevent the spread of diseases, promote healthy behaviors, and ensure a clean water supply. The Health Department also provides access to Maricopa County public records.
Get the latest info about Arizona's Response. Have specific questions? Call: 1-844-542-8201
The public notice and agenda for each public meeting is posted in the lobby of this Department and on the Public Meeting Noticespage.
Call: 1-844-542-8201. The Arizona Department of Health Services is on the front lines as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team is committed to providing up-to-date information and resources to keep Arizonans safe, including extensive data about the disease in our state. Vaccine appointments are available on our Vaccines website, ...
Arizona recently adopted an updated hybrid prioritization that focuses on those that are at high risk for bad outcomes due to COVID-19 and getting them vaccinated as quickly as possible. We also added a Vaccine Prioritization page to our data dashboard. In order to track the progress through each of the age and priority groups, we added a new Vaccine Prioritization page. This shows the percentage of each of the populations (1A + prioritized 1B, and each age category) that have received at least one dose of vaccine. The current recommendation is to progress to the next age group when a county or the state hits 55-60% of the age group vaccinated. This is also filterable by county, to allow Arizonans to determine how close their county is to advancing into the next age category.
The public notice and agenda for each public meeting is posted in the lobby of this Department and on the Public Meeting Noticespage.
Our summary page has been updated to include elements that we think have the biggest impact on the course of this pandemic. The data on cases and deaths remains unchanged, but now we are reporting the total tests administered and using the percent positivity from the total number of tests, have removed the serology data, and have added current vaccination data. The elements that were removed from the summary page, including the serology results and the laboratory data from unique persons, can still be found on the appropriate pages of our dashboard.