cooper clinic patient portal

by Sterling Macejkovic 9 min read

CooperAerobics - Cooper Aerobics - Cooper Clinic Patient Portal

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How do I contact Cooper primary health care?

We’re here for all your health care needs from head to toe. Call 912-527-1000 to schedule your appointment. Curtis V. Cooper Primary Health Care, Inc. is an FTCA Deemed Facility.

How can I access my Cooper Medical Records?

Access your Cooper medical records – anywhere, anytime. Review your medications, immunizations, allergies, and medical history. Receive the majority of your lab results from LabCorp, Quest, and Cooper online — no waiting for a phone call or letter.

What is coopercare link?

Welcome to CooperCare Link CooperCare Link is an efficient web-based tool for doctors and other medical professionals. It offers access to Cooper University Health Care and your patients’ medical records.

What will I be able to do with coopercare?

You will be able to view your patients’ medical records as well as receive email alerts that an update to your patients’ medical records has occurred. You will also be able to upload information about your patient for Cooper physicians to access. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content CooperCare Link Welcome to CooperCare Link Log In



Once your little one is here, it’s time to get them to the pediatrician for checkups, bumps, bruises, and school physicals.

Behavioral Health

Everyone needs someone to talk to at times. Whether you’re going through a rough patch or you want to vent to a neutral party, schedule an appointment with our psychiatrist.

Dental care

When you have tooth pain or a loose tooth, let our dentist look at your pearly whites to ensure that they’re getting the best care.
