13 hours ago Medical Portal Get overview and access information on the Medical Portal by user type. Medical Portal Login Administrator Login Health Care Providers Physicians, PAs, NPs and other types of Board-authorized providers as well as dentists, audiologists and optometrists. Overview Access and Administration Administrator Login Medical Suppliers >> Go To The Portal
Medical Portal Get overview and access information on the Medical Portal by user type. Medical Portal Login Administrator Login Health Care Providers Physicians, PAs, NPs and other types of Board-authorized providers as well as dentists, audiologists and optometrists. Overview Access and Administration Administrator Login Medical Suppliers
ProCARE, an acronym for Pro vider C ompensation A utomation R ules E ngine, is an enterprise healthcare Provider Compensation Management (PCM) software platform that enables administrators and leadership of healthcare provider organizations to manage and process incentive compensation for physicians and advanced practice providers easier, timelier, and …
Dec 09, 2021 · Claimants: Beginning on December 9, 2021, to obtain information about their pharmacy benefits, FECA claimants should access the PBM Claimant Portal by first logging into The Employees' Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP) available at https://www.ecomp.dol.gov/, then clicking on the pharmacy benefits management link. FECA …
Bucket incentives and payments accurately across clinical, academic, research and admin efforts. Improve physician integration strategy across all specialties in compliance with fair market value while incentivizing behavior beyond fee-for-service.
ProCARE, an acronym for Pro vider C ompensation A utomation R ules E ngine, is an enterprise healthcare Provider Compensation Management (PCM) software platform that enables administrators and leadership of healthcare provider organizations to manage and process incentive compensation for physicians and advanced practice providers easier, timelier, and more accurately through the automation of data management, compensation calculation, and manual business processes.
Through a fully configurable rules engine, users can easily create complex conditional logic and manage variable elements like rates and thresholds across the organizational hierarchy from the enterprise level, across service lines, specialties, groups and down to each individual provider. With ProCARE, automation of comp plans that support your strategy does not require you to “streamline", "standardize”, or "simplify" them first.
The ProCARE rules engine is not a black box. Based on cascading phases in its framework, intermediary calculations and results leading up to all payments are completely transparent and actionable on feature-rich statements and dashboards.