colorado medicaid website portal patient

by Rowena Price 10 min read

Colorado | Medicaid

24 hours ago As of November 2021, Colorado has enrolled 1,660,006 individuals in Medicaid and CHIP — a net increase of 111.89% since the first Marketplace Open Enrollment Period and related Medicaid program changes in October 2013. Colorado has adopted one or more of the targeted enrollment strategies outlined in guidance CMS issued on May 17, 2013 ... >> Go To The Portal

What is Colorado Mountain Medical’s FollowMyHealth® patient portal?

As of November 2021, Colorado has enrolled 1,660,006 individuals in Medicaid and CHIP — a net increase of 111.89% since the first Marketplace Open Enrollment Period and related Medicaid program changes in October 2013. Colorado has adopted one or more of the targeted enrollment strategies outlined in guidance CMS issued on May 17, 2013 ...

Where can I find Colorado’s Medicaid plan amendments?

The State Plan is up to date with permanent plan amendments approved by the federal government as of August 31, 2021. HCPF does not include temporary, emergency amendments in this document. Colorado Medicaid State Plan Amendments, including temporary emergency authorities, are posted by the federal government as they are approved by date with a ...

How do I view my upcoming appointments with Colorado Mountain Medical?

What's new: Bulletins, updates & emails. CBMS: CO Benefits Management System. Care and Case Management. Web portal. Revalidation. Provider contacts: Who to call for help. Provider resources: Quick guides, known issues, EDI, & training. COVID-19 Provider Information Resources for HCBS Providers. SAVE System ColoradoPAR DDDWeb.

How does the Department of Medicaid verify eligibility?

After you request a connection to the Colorado Mountain Medical please allow one to two business days for your connection to be reviewed and established. If you experience any problems please contact our Patient Portal Support team. This team is available Monday through Friday 6am-6pm MST (excluding federal holidays) by phone (888) 670-9775.


How do I check my Medicaid status in Colorado?

You can check if your Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) coverage is active by going to the Colorado PEAK website and clicking on the Check My Benefits button or you can view your card from the Health First Colorado mobile app.Jun 15, 2016

How can I check if my Medicaid is active?

Call toll-free at 800-252-8263, 2-1-1 or 877-541-7905. Choose English or Spanish. Choose option 2. The person you speak with can help you find out if you have Medicaid or not.

Is health first Colorado the same as Medicaid?

Medicaid in Colorado is known as Health First Colorado. The name and logo represent Colorado's member-focused approach to public health care coverage. Member eligibility, benefits, and choice of providers remain the same.

What is the difference between Colorado Access and Medicaid?

Colorado Access is a nonprofit health plan. We have many programs to help you take charge of your health. Colorado Access helps Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) members in Denver County. We also help members outside Denver County if they get primary care from one of our providers.

How do I find my Colorado Medicaid number?

It is also on all letters we send you about your benefits. You can also get your Health First Colorado ID Number by calling or visiting your county of residence's human services office, calling the Member Contact Center, or view it from the Health First Colorado mobile app.Jun 17, 2016

How do I check my Medicare status?

The status of your medical enrollment can be checked online through your My Social Security or accounts. You can also call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 or go to your local Social Security office.

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Colorado?

See if you can sign up for Health First Colorado
Family SizeApproximate Monthly Family Income to Qualify for Health First Colorado
Adults 19 – 64Children 0 – 18
1Up to $1,428Up to $1,525
2Up to $1,931Up to $2,062
3Up to $2,434Up to $2,599
3 more rows

What is the maximum income for Medicaid in Colorado?

Who is eligible for Colorado Medicaid?
Household Size*Maximum Income Level (Per Year)
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What is the highest income to qualify for Medicaid?

Federal Poverty Level thresholds to qualify for Medicaid

The Federal Poverty Level is determined by the size of a family for the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia. For example, in 2022 it is $13,590 for a single adult person, $27,750 for a family of four and $46,630 for a family of eight.
Mar 26, 2022

Is Colorado access the same as CHP +?

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) offered by Colorado Access is a low-cost health insurance plan for children. If you make too much to qualify for Medicaid, your children might qualify. When you enroll your child, they can get the care they need.

What is a Rae Colorado?

Regional Accountable Entities, or RAEs, are new organizations in Health First Colorado, Colorado's Medicaid program. They are responsible for coordinating members' care, ensuring they are connecting with primary and behavioral health care, and developing regional strategies to serve Health First Colorado members.Oct 11, 2018

What Rae is Denver County?

CHI: What's unique about your region? Gretchen: Region Five is the City and County of Denver… Region Three has both urban and very rural parts.

Patient Portal

Colorado Mountain Medical uses the FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal to provide an internet-accessible application that offers patients secure access to pieces of their electronic medical record.

Frequently Asked Questions

The CMM Clinical Center’s FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is an internet-accessible application that offers patients secure access to pieces of their Colorado Mountain Medical electronic medical record.

What is a prior authorization request?

Prior Authorization Requests (PARs): Providers request authorization for services before providing certain services. The ColoradoPAR vendor reviews the request to determine if services are medically necessary according to established criteria and guidelines. The ColoradoPAR Program reviews PARs for the following categories of services and supplies:

What is an IHRP?

The Inpatient Hospital Review Program (IHRP) is Health First Colorado's program to review all Inpatient Hospital Admissions to ensure appropriate care is provided in compliance with federal/state rules and regulations. The IHRP will assist in ensuring that care is provided at the appropriate setting, duration and time as well as ensure there aren't other additional appropriate alternative services available. The program will also assist with providing improved care coordination between the Colorado Hospitals and the Regional Accountable Entities (RAEs). For additional information on IHRP, please visit the IHRP Provider page. As part of this program, Hospitals will be following the processes below and submit PAR's directly to eQHealth Solutions, via eQSuite: 1 Prior Authorization Requests (PARs) or Admission Reviews - Hospitals will be submitting based on established timelines before or shortly after admission for all services excluding the following,#N#Maternity and maternity#N#Members with Medicaid as a secondary payer#N#Admissions to long term rehabilitation facilities#N#Capitated behavioral health services 2 Concurrent Review (or Continued Stay Review) - If a Health First Colorado member is still admitted as an inpatient on Day 4 and has one or more of the following conditions, Sepsis, Pneumonia, NICU and Acute Respiratory Failure, they will receive Complex Case Management to help to facilitate additional care coordination when appropriate.
